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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. ok....will keep tat in mine...maybe might come out with a RobSKim Mighty1 (4 spray injectors + 4ft tall)....
  2. wah bro, u so supportive ah....wait for my RobSKim Master....hope it will turn up well...
  3. aiyah, the pump i used was a md55....i will take a pic of the beckett when i am free to show the comparison.... personally, i feel that the performance of the dual spray is comparable to a single beckett....maybe i felt so because it is my own work...hehehe....but my frens agreed too, maybe they are trying to console me?? i'll take a pic of the beckett tomolo loh....
  4. hhhmmmm....if we assume dual beckett is twice the effectiveness of a single beckett....that mean 12hrs of dual beckett = 24hrs of single beckett..... hhhhmmmm....maybe joe has to invent a self-cleaning collection cup, every 24hrs flush the collection cup with tap water and into the toilet bowl....
  5. i dun think the pump has anything to do with the skimming....unless u are running something that is very much higher than the recommended feed pump....i am not sure about the recommended feed pump, but from the senerio u provided, i personally feel that the 900ltr pump might be too much....i dun use a h&S...so it might be wrong too.... maybe u try to lower the feed pump's flowrate and see how loh....the bubbles might not have enough contact time with the water because of high turnover rate....just my opinion, might not be correct. in fact, i think it is most prolly wrong cos i dun use H&S....
  6. pangz, electricity won't be too much lah....actually the main ones are the pumps and skimmer pumps.... if u switch on 150W 6hrs a day, it is only $5 a mth only...dun have to run chiller lah...not as bad as u expect lah....use fan loh....
  7. run with 2 becketts leh.... only show 1 beckett, not shiok ah....
  8. wah lau, he is damn gross.... he thinks he is very muscular....i done think so....
  9. hehehe....actually that was wat i heard....no real evidence..... monkey see monkey do loh....
  10. any new pics of the MONSTER with both beckett at work??
  11. go for MH loh....dun waste time with the rest....get a cheap 2nd hand set....hehehehe
  12. i remember someone said that if the DBS is not a wide as the main tank it won't be efficient enuf....u might wanna have it in your main tank as well as in sump.... as for your low nitrate now, it might be due to your H&S....basically the equation works this way, dissolved organic compound > ammonia > nitrite > nitrate so if DOC is low, theorethically, nitrate will be low too....so i suggest u might wanna invest in a SUPER HUGE DUAL BECKETT to skim out watever DOC that is present in your tank.... although H&S is a powerful skimmer, wat i heard is that it has low turnover rate, therefore there might be a danger in tank crash....the skimmer is not able to cope with the high die-offs.... remember to use netting to seperate the bottom 3-4inches of your DSB from the top layer so that there wont' be any disturbance....
  13. deepblue ones are specially flown in from hong kong....
  14. will there be any disadvantage if i use this to connect the joints??
  15. the bubble produced were comparable to a beckett (i had a beckett on hand to compare)....moron clown and chris21 were there to witness it, both agreed that the bubbles produced were as much and small as a beckett... i forgot to take the pic of the beckett bubbles, will do that when i have the time... here are the bubbles.... with this, i decided to proceed with the 2nd phrase of my RobSKim Master (to build a 2.5ft tall skimmer body) so far that's all the pics that i can offer....will update when i am done....
  16. another view....compared to a magnolia 1tr pack....
  17. hi all, after trial and errors on my RobSKim V1, it finally showed positive results....to further my plans on a bigger skimmer, i decided to make a DUAL SPRAY INJECTOR, i call it RobSKim Master....it will run on a MD55 and of course hope that it will produce bubbles as well as a beckett if not running on a MD55 will be a waste.... here's a sneak into the gauntlet of my RobSKim Master....
  18. hey chipson, may i check with u how did u join this 2 parts to the acrylic??
  19. since it is due to sudden change in water parameters....maybe can try to add a little at a time rather than throw the whole 1tr into work all at once??
  20. wah....bro, stocking up hor....damn shiok....hai...wish i have the extra cash...
  21. oic...a lot of reefers selling mah.... y not go for beckett....everyone is doing that now...hahahhaa
  22. yup, vinoth is using that....the big one.....u can check out their website ot confirm the footprint....it is a in sump model...
  23. hhhmmmm.....wat about 8kk??? remember i have 2 spare bulbs from u?? maybe use 8kk and supplement with my 2X36W actinic PL.....
  24. not ex lah.... 1ltr = 1kg = $99 5kg = $495 damsel selling at $440....where got ex???
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