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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. bro, don't over dose...maybe kalk will be better, if not your dkh will deplete...
  2. roidan had these too, i think...and he removed everything...cos it will take up a lot of calcium.... i have some in my tank too...especially the overflow...lotsa tiny ones....size of rice grains...can't imagine a few yrs later when they are fully grown...my overflow full of coco/tube worms...hopefully they will be nice red christmas trees....tube worms not too nice...gotta monitor them....
  3. hey roidan, issit gonna be 4 becketts?? my god, u are even worse than boss....u are mad!!! hahahaha
  4. bro, seriously i think its perfectly alrite...at least it help us to save the trouble to catch them...lets just take it as he bought them loh....hehehehe...hope boss is not reading this...
  5. another closer look...
  6. another close up view...
  7. changed the gasket to silicon sheet...no more leakage... 1st try at vinoth's place, not successful, too much burping...brought it back and added a ball valve to control the water intake, less burping now...think the md55 is too strong...just started running at 9pm just now...waiting for results... this is the pic of if as at 9pm....pls pray hard that it will work!!!
  8. great one!!! vote for ryz's catchy tune...
  9. wah....if so cheap...then dun have to bother to DIY already....hahahha...
  10. wah!!! so cheap?? u DIYing issit??
  11. dun worry bro, i can always adopt it for free...hehehehe.... i think my tank should be able to handle it, even without skimmer...i only have 1 bi-colour blenny....
  12. if u have a strong skimmer, feed them a lot of food, different variety also.....maybe twice a day...all food soak in garlic and vitamins to boost their immune system....
  13. to create the crashing effect...i think it stirs up more motion...
  14. i believe it is without md55...so including md55, at most it will be $800...i know that price of md55 has drop recently...do check out a few places b4 buying the md55....i got mine at $175 (dun ask me from where, not very nice cos our sponsor also selling md55)
  15. wait for fellow reefers to sell theirs...i would say they are usually in good condition... i got my 1st set @ $100 (e-ballast some more) and 2nd set @ $50(normal ballast) only...both used for about 4mths before selling to me and in very good condition....
  16. 12inches big should be DC lah....i dun think AC can run such a big fan...
  17. hahhaha....that's y i always tell my gf "i only see at least i dun touch"....hahahah
  18. yah loh, get a beckett...a H&S will not give u the turnover that u require...remember to get a stronger return pump too...
  19. boss, dun like tat lah...other than fishes, our eyes are meant for other things as well right?? mine basically zoom in on more prominent things that are round and big....hehehehe
  21. confirm cyano ah....use a powerhead to blast your sandbed permanently... otherwise, use a few powerheads to create more water circulation as advised be tanzy...
  22. the gal's ###### quite big ....bwilly will be intersted....hahahhaha but i think it is padded, as mentioned by my gf....got caught by my gf while looking at her
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