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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. Frogspawn from T95... $0...hehehehe...
  2. given up on cleaner wrasse... added a baby sailfin, lasted for about 1mth+ and suddenly died...suspect that my boxer was too hungry, or maybe he merely picked up the dead fish...didn't manage to recover the dead body due to my rockscape...so just let it rot inside... my parameters are as follows Ammonia: 0 ammonia alert NO2: 0 nutrafin NO3: a bit but less than 5ppm PO4: no test kit temperature: 26c (no difference when lights are on) calcium 400ppm aqualight test kit dkh: 11 nutrafin other stuffs, 1 X return pump 2 X 150W 10kk (XM lights) 2 X profantic (one is switch on 24hrs, the other only when my MH are on) 0 X skimmer (coming soon) do not have any since i started this tank.hahahaha 0 X calcium reactor (coming soon) FULL TANK VIEW compared with pic taken on May 16 2004
  3. wah piang...looks like marbles... so close to your blasto and never get sting??
  4. typrobin

    Resun FR

    but must find a suitable pipe fitting loh...and wat about the bottom support?? wat will support the bottom piece?? aiyo...headache liao...lucky i never order... sugi: paiseh, dun mean to splash water on u... well, cheap things are not always good and good things never come cheap...hehehehe...my gf taught me this...
  5. typrobin

    Resun FR

    glued??? good luck...how to replenish your rowa??very troublesome.... i have a stupid suggestion... after emptying the old rowa, close up the cap...then top up the rowa from the outlet pipe...but this way, the top filter wool have to omitted, which means there might be a little flow back of the rowa into the tank...to solve this, try to add as little rowa as possible and use very slow flowrate... the top layer of the rowa should be waving and not flying all around when your FR is operated...
  6. typrobin

    Resun FR

    i think for something that size, a 400ltr powerhead should be enough... my fren is using joe's FR, has about 1ltr of rowa inside, using a 3000ltr dolphin powerhead, and reduce the flowrate with the ballvalve by about 3/4...so i believe it should be around 500ltr only...flowrate cannot be too strong, if not rowa will flowback into the tank....i suggest u get a small ball valve from hardware shop, get a 13mm kind shoud be sufficient...very cheap only, less than $5...better than getting a suitable pump...
  7. typrobin

    Resun FR

    i think eric's water bottle type is more user-friendly...heheheehe...
  8. typrobin

    Resun FR

    i think boss mentioned before that the screw-on caps will have rowa stuck inside the screw thread and will be very difficult to unscrew them... another thing i noticed, it doesn't come with a ball valve, gotta get one to control the flowrate, if not your rowa will flow into your tank and pollute everything...
  9. amazing description...hahahaha how bout a price list and item list?? easier that way...your pic is small and basically cannot see anyhting clearly
  10. i heard that peeing on the cut helps...but not too sure for wat kind of injuries...i think if u get poke by urchin or jellyfish it will mild the poisoning...but for angels, i dunno...
  11. normal AW pvc pipes does not come in anything less than 13mm Schedule 80 has smaller dimensions but i doubt that it is cheap...
  12. buy the phoenix one that i recommend loh...cheap mah...14kk...
  13. buy more red and green and other colour stuffs...orange, blue...a lot lah...can't wait to get my money...then can go cheong again...get moron clown together...got taxi driver...hahahahha i will be making the henry's formula soon...wanna share??
  14. bubble v nice...small and cute...hehehe but i think i will look for colourful corals...when free we go and cheong LFS together... dun buy too many brown brown stuff...will regret one...like me...i used to buy them because they are cheaper...but now regret liao...
  15. close up on the plate leh...very tempting...hahahaha
  16. seen your tank before...seriously wondering how u train your corals not to sting each other? every single one so close to one another...really have to specialy select those that doesn't have long tentacles... even your elegance has a lot of other corals surrounding them...
  17. btw, how are flatworms introduced into our tank? hitch hiking??
  18. OMG... so sad to here this...wonder if it will happen to me also...HOPEFULLY NOT.... time to rebuild your tank...good luck boss...
  19. my god..check out the bloody skimmer!!!
  20. hhhmmmm... how bout letting the water splash on filters instead? it will greatly reduce the splashing effect...this is wat i did...a bit kiasu...well..i'm a singaporean...hahahaha
  21. extend the pipe loh...let it dip into the water...
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