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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. how much are u looking at?? i dun mind selling at get 2 X 620...hehehehe
  2. how do i set it this way?? i am using a 820...and after dismantling the thing, i cannot have this part to hold the impeller propoerly...pls advise...thanks..
  3. jie, need help can jio me along hor...i very free...btw, i lost my mobile...can call me or drop me a sms? thanks..
  4. CM, when can i see your tank?? looks good man...
  5. whao....y was i involved?? hahahah...i agree with CM...not on the imitation part but the fact that copying pple's idea (or even duplicating them to sell) is totally unethical... as for me, i always try to make some changes here and there...like my FR and becketts...that's y i came out with RobSKim...a little bit of changes here and there will help safeguard my own a$$...so tat i do not offend anyone...but the cruel thing tat i tend to do is to undercut...hehehehe... well, lets not make this forum more confusing and political...y not all of us share our idea in DIY forum and make a nice family? i will be DIYing a KR too, but definitely not like wat both of u (or rather CM) had did...if not i rather choose not to post it here and create problems for myself and the sponsors... DIY is fun but if money is involved, it will kill the joy....let the sponsors sell their products as they are...we DIY them if we are too cheapo but don't sell...that's the important thing...DUN SELL!!!
  6. idiot...bro, dun tempt pple like tat lah...
  7. totally agree..i also aeroplaned michael young twice...no choice, my tank cannot wait...
  8. YEAH!!! hope it is cheaper!!! so much alternatives, it really pamper reefers....
  9. wat kind of piping will u be using? size? i suggest that for the overflow, use at least 1.25inches, the bigger the better so that it will be sufficient no matter how strong your return pump is... for a 3ft tall tank, i believe u might need at least 400W MH to be able to blast thru the water and reach the bottom of the tank...i suggest that u use a shorter tank, at such height it will be very dificult to place corals on the sand bed and it is not cost effective, 400W MH will be very very hot and u will need a strong chiller...
  10. wah lao...dun say until like tat lah... i am not good in overlow...need someone with experience in it...so its gotta be u...laser cut not so expensive lah...u also know how much i got for my laser cut mah...hahahahh
  11. next time if i upgrade my tank, i will get a bare tank and u will be in charge of my overflow box...but i require them to be fully laser cut and nicely joined...deal??
  12. bro, sorry but i think elegance is quite difficult to maintain...dunno if your tank is mature enough for it...just a word of caution...
  13. the difficult part is not the o-ring...it is the grooves...good luck with your finding...
  14. saw it myself just now...considering that most of the stuffs are done with only a pair of hands...its REALLY NICE!!!
  15. wait for your payday...then we can go LFSing together...
  16. kian ho bearings..there is one branch in jurong and another in jalan besar...
  17. totally agree... too much politics...
  18. hhahahah...sps for ich cure....very expensive...
  19. moron clown: u really moron leh!!! now then tell me!!! vinoth: thanks...just like u, mushrooms and hammer lovers....but still not into leather yet...
  20. thought of shifting my clam...but it is already rooted to the LR...dun think i should disturb him... didn't know they root themselves so fast....only took it 1week...
  21. hahaha...good for u...luckily u got your becketts in time..
  22. YUP YUP!!! i love them...both octoPUSSIES and octos....hahahaha
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