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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. hhhmmmm....true enough...looks more sophisticated and more expensive...
  2. piglet!!! this might help... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=20379&hl=kalk great wise sea turtle tanzy explains all...
  3. that's how i evaluate the whole situation...initially i intended a CR, but the maintanence cost is too much, the pumps, the CO2 and the ARM...will definitely lose a leg if i run it in my pathetic tank... so everyday do kalk top up...no need KR some more...shake shake shake, leave it for 20mins, top up... i posted this question 2mths back, and no one can gimme a clear explanation...so i evaluate my pocket and decided to go SPSless and kalk top-up everyday...
  4. wah...bro, u going into priesthood huh?? ahahhaha... gals can nvr understand y we spend hours with our tanks and other commitments..they always feel that we neglect them...and they expect us to look at them like how we stare at our tanks... they nvr understand us, neither can we understand them...so its more or less a give and take issue...my gf treats me well(no choice, she spies on my post in sgreef) and had been tolerant most of the time..so when she complains i just admit that its my mistake and say sorry loh...
  5. oooppppssss.....i didn't see the "le kalk ONLY"....sorry...
  6. 1st piece: $20: reserved for ligerton 2nd and 3rd piece: taken 4th piece: $20 price drop to $10
  7. not forgetting they are much cheaper too...u are smart...anyway, after cycling they will become LRs again...
  8. its not a bad idea to use pre-filtered seawater, but make sure that the source can be trusted..i get my seawater from t95 and have been doing tat for 2mths...so far no problem...for lazy pple like me, its a good way out...but if u have the time, go for saltmix... for t95, the seawater is in a seperated tank, away from the LS tanks...so i presume that it is cleaner..they even run a UV on the tank...the 1st time i bought it, i tested for nitrate and phospate and they are not traceable..my tap water still has a little trace of nitrate..but now i just buy and dump it in my tank... not too sure about other LFS...my friend gets the seawater from eaquarist...and no complains so far...
  9. there are no natural predators of these nudis...u have to remove them manually..either using a pincer or freshwater dip...i did it the easiest way, threw away the LR... the colony will grow so much until all your zoos are finished...i have no idea whether they will die of hunger once the zoos run out...but the last time i threw away all the zoos, they seem to have disappeared...now i have new zoos without any problem...
  10. i suggest that u dun fully shut the windows, allow some ventilation..if not your tank will cook...especially if u are not intending to use a chiller...get more fans...at least 2..my tank is the same size as yours...i have 1 fan going 24/7, and whenever my MHs kick in another one will operate.. since the hole for the durso has been drilled, then u cannot do anything about it...try to see if your durso can handle your 1260 if not gotta get a smaller pump...
  11. this one very chim... CR can help to bring up calcium level and dkh and also some other trace elements.. KR only maintains it... dun get yourself too confused with these 2 equipments... basically, KR for LPS...CR for SPS... KR is much cheaper than CR...KR only need to top up cheap kalk but CR need expensive argonite stuffs...
  12. if u use GF pipings all around, it will cost more than your pump...GF are known to be chemical-resistant and are pressure-rated(which means it can take a certain amount of pressure)...but its just a marine tank, not a chemical plant, so keep it cheap...but if u are loaded, then go for it...it's really really good..
  13. 1st set: normal viclite type.magnetic ballast. 10kk XM bulbs about 1mth old only. PRICE: $110 (bulb is quite new, bought at $75).. reserved for nicholasloh, pending approval 2nd set: normal viclite type. amatech e-ballast. 10kk XM bulbs about 1mth only PRICE: $130 (bulb is quite new, bought at $75) reserved by allforall...collection this weekend...
  14. yup...finally can settle down and make one for myself...after 6-7mths without skimmer...i think its time to make one myself...
  15. its a stand alone unit from viclite...check out the 1st post and there will be links to show the pics..
  16. 1st set: normal viclite type.magnetic ballast. 10kk XM bulbs about 1mth old only. PRICE: $110 (bulb is quite new, bought at $75).. still available 2nd set: normal viclite type. amatech e-ballast. 10kk XM bulbs about 1mth only PRICE: $130 (bulb is quite new, bought at $75) reserved by allforall...collection this weekend...
  17. 1st piece: $20: reserved for ligerton 2nd and 3rd piece: reserved for fatman 4th piece: $20 still available
  18. crany, u are still cycling right?? dip all the LR overnight in fresh water...100% sure die one...then after tat start cycling again...
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