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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. looks like your fishes having diarrohea...hahahaha
  2. Ekia, dun bluff lah...that one is a weipro body, modified with a beckett nozzle right?? hahahahaha
  3. of cos lah...he's one of the best guru we have here..so happy for u...getting everything at material cost only... if only i have a tank worthy of that kind of attention... i tried the greenbook...but only show company name...maybe have to find it myself...thanks again...
  4. thanks for the pic mah... email aquaC ah?? aiyo, if they tell me i can get it in simon's ave in New York how??? hahahaha.... someone please help....
  5. if my knowledge serves me correctly, bacteria is in the LRs, sand and other filter media, never in the seawater...no matter wat kind of water u use, u still need to cycle a tank...which means a full ANN(ammonia,nitrite and nitrate) cycle, after tat 50% water change b4 any LS....ammonia spike helps the bacteria to grow, not the water... and dun forget to cure your LRs too...if all your LRs are not cured, then just use it for cycling purpose, dun have to add market prawns...the amount of die off from the LRs should be sufficient...but to be a little kiasu, i would advise market prawns as well...dun take any chances...
  6. chselee: your weipro is good...if mine was as good, i would have kept it...
  7. hehehe.... thanks for the pic...would appreciate if u can help...
  8. anyone knows where to get this?? and price??
  9. i believe new tank syndrome refers to ammonia spike during the initial stage of cycling...using seawater will not improve the situation... i also noticed that the seawater that i get from t95 has lower salinity level...but i use it and add a little marine salt to bring it up to 1.022...
  10. going fishless?? where is my sailfin???!!!!
  11. there is a control valve on the overflow pipe( the pipe where the water exits the skimmer)...tune it from there as for the pump, i think it is not good enough...i really cannot remember the recommended pump size... to be very frank, if i were u, change the skimmer...y waste money on another pump?? save a little more and get a more decent skimmer... i've tried weipro b4 found that it really sucks....so i went skimmerless for about 8mths, until now...hahahaha....now running my own RobSKim Mini 120/500... but of cos when i dun have skimmer, i dun have fishes as well...my tank only had 2 fishes for about 7mths...until now.... skimmer is one of the most important equipment in a marine tank...if u are thinkin of using weipro, get the biggest unit u can afford...if not, to hell with weipro and get something else...i think macro needlewheel is quite reasonably priced and performs quite ok too...of cos, we cannot compare it to H&S and other european needlewheels... oh yah, always take the words of a LFS owner (especially those smaller shops) with a pinch of salt...if u really want sincere advises, i only recommend our very own sponsors...they are very knowledgeable and helpful...always there to help when we need them....
  12. 1) skimmers do not skim ammonia, it skims dissolved organic compound... 2) IMO, weipro is quite a lousy piece of equipment...but for that price, its considered alright. 3) from the pic, your water level is too high...set it as recommended...there is a recommended water level on the skimmer body.. 4) wat pump are u using? u might wanna get a stronger pump...the bubbles produced seems too little to produce good skimmate..
  13. wat a big headache...while trying to clean up the water (for your corals' sake), they did these to u.. .dunno wat they want also... since water conditions have improved significantly, think they will recover in no time...think u might have overdone the process and done it too quickly, that's y they are so stressed... remember the "SPS rtn when rowa is being used" saga? removing something that is considered toxic to them will kill them in the end....hai....
  14. dun think u should keep fishes when your tank is not properly cycled...damsels are hardy but its quite cruel to do so.. as terryansimon, u need to cycle with LRs...if u add LRs after that, u'll need to cycle again cos there will be die-offs in the LRs tat will cos another round of ammonia spike..
  15. its called psuedomonoaquaric disease....hahahhaa i think its just due to fightin...never heard of red spots before...
  16. can i have Sicce Micra Powerhead (400L/h) - Used - (10S$) thanks...
  17. by changing water too quickly will have worse side effects... if lets say anemone die - put lotsa carbon and polyfilter, change 50% but if fish die, change only 20% and take out dead fish will do...there's lotsa reasons y fishes die, and sometime it has nothing to do with your water..perhaps its not feeding, stress due to shipping...if lets say your tank is already mature and most fishes are alright, but new fish dies, then most prob its just bad luck... if ur fishes die, do a 10% change will do...if u are kiasu, do 10% everyday for 1 week, it should curb the ammonia spike...never do 50% change unless something drastic happens, like all SPS rtn or anemone or sea cuke get stuck in powerhead...
  18. its like shit...if u know wat i mean....
  19. hai....so far in queue...so sad.... but my pocket so happy... this hobby is KILLING me!!!
  20. maybe he just wasn't use to your water parameter...
  21. it happened in reeflobang's tank as well...i think no hope already...the blenny already taken it as its home...
  22. it might be due to your water too...in my opinion,when fishes breath hard, it indicates that the water is not ideal... i just dropped mine in my tank, wonder wat will happen to it...hehehehe...
  23. trace elements can be replenished with water top up and water change..personally i dun bother about trace elements and i dun use such additives too...
  24. looks good bro, the clear acrylic tube for the injector is cool....
  25. yah loh, tell them to enforce and re-enforce...be a bit more kiasu...
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