in my opinion, she might have gotten bored of the relationship...
if i love someone, i won't call her an idiot...although i do slam phone but i will always call her back after i cool down...
u mentioned that she has been avoiding your shows that she is either pissed off with u or couldn't be bothered...
if she is pissed off, find out why...and try to resolve...
if u feel that she can't be bothered, then y should u??
on your part, u have to trust your partner...i have a terrible past, but my gf trust me and gives me all the freedom that i i dun flirt around with other gals anymore...rather, i spend all my time on my tank, which she equally hates...hehehehe...but the point i'm trying to push is that u need to trust her or whoever next...if there's no trust then its very torturing for yourself and her as well...