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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. might be in the wrong forum but can't find any thing more suitable.. hi all, i have a very big boxer shrimp which i cannot catch unless i tear down my tank..i have planned to bait him out and snip him apart with a scissors..I KNOW IT IS CRUEL...but he is the only suspect to my fish deaths and injuries...i cannot add any cleaners or blood shrimps because he is really really territorial... pls vote and his fate shall lie in your hands...thanks...will only decide when i get about 50 votes, if not i will leave him be (and kill more fishes)
  2. even tank crash didn't stop me from reefing...of cos, i am not SPSing yet only LPSing..and my last crash didn't burn a big hole in my pocket, back then was only a FOWLR tank...
  3. heard that the toxin released by leathers are very poisonous to sps..so u might wanna consider removing either the leather or sps...
  4. it is proven that tangs can eat pang cai and other market vege...just that prolly our friend here did not fully remove the pesticide... giving them a variety of food will be best so that they can get the most range of nutritient...
  5. IMHO, no LFS in the north are reliable..especially in YISHUN...i stay in woodlands, and get my seawater from t95...my advise is to get a car to go there...if not forget it.. if u take a container of water, i dun think u can even last thru the slope...
  6. red dragon loh...low on consumption...but the price tag will kill u...hehehehe
  7. fwah!!! damn nice... where do u guys get these mushies from?? nvr seen them in LFS b4...
  8. get a few rio pumps...they are damn hot...hehehehe
  9. heard that sometimes funny fishes do funny things...hope tat your BT dun like to eat clams...
  10. i kena this nudi about 3mths back...threw away all the zoo that i had and i thought they disappeared.... so i tried to intro new zoo into my tank...there they come at me again...so threw away the zoo again...hai... but surprisingly, they didn't attack my friend's zoo...
  11. can reserve the MH from u 1st?? i need another 250W...going sps soon...hehehehhe... pls pm me...
  12. hammanbmw, tomolo u free not?? last day already...
  13. it sure look like a baby mantis... good move to do it before they grow bigger...
  14. even digital timers also give problems...i think its a matter of luck here...i quite lucky so far...
  15. personally, i dun like chemicals...so i will choose not to add watever ich-medi there is in the market... wat i do is feed feed and feed...if they are eating, this method will ensure that they get fatter and stronger... i feed up to 4 times a day...small serving each time to ensure that they will eat and no food will be left on the sand to rot... if they are on pellets or flakes, it should be sufficiently nutritious...if they feed only BS or mysis or other stuffs, soak with garlic guard 1st, or garlic extreme will be good..
  16. your car will be a nice getaway vehicle... okok...will contact u.... sssshhhhh...dun let flubberina know....
  17. try nutrafin cycle.. and remove the dead coral...
  18. scarab... how bout this?? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=22923&st=0
  19. coraline algae will encrust on the rocks...touch it, if it easily gets sweep away then it should be cyano... if it is really coraline, get some kind of urchin (not too sure which)...they eat coraline algae... experts pls advise on the urchin type...
  20. not needlewheel lah... i think the concept is the same but using the normal impeller to chop the air bubbles...
  21. silver green mushie damn nice...bet vinoth will love it too..both of us MUSHROOM FANATIC!!!
  22. i can try my hairy mushroom if u want...hehehe...for ric flori prolly have to wait till lightningstrike comes back...
  23. i dun think that clam hate too much light..from wat i understand, the more the merrier..clams like high intensity... maybe they are not use to it as of now, since u add more lights...prolly will recover soon...
  24. u told me tat u bought...but nvr tell me that u are selling... just making some noise only lah. ..prolly cannot afford also... i will wait for your piece to grow...that i kapo from your tank when u are not at home.ask your maid to open the door for me..hehehehe
  25. shit....y nvr tell me u are selling??!!!!
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