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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. a few things that i noted about this skimmer 1) the neck is too close to the collection cup, hinders foaming 2) the pump has a noise problem 3) the pump doesn't come with any specs, electricity consumption, flowrate, all not stated... bite the bullet, go for H&S...
  2. if u really want, then i take for u 1st loh...but no guarantee it will last until u come back...
  3. some fishes feed on them...especially mandarins, i think 6-line wrasse feed on them too..
  4. how i wish i have a larger tank to house a school of tangs...
  5. but how to grow copepods huh?? my mandarin seems a little to skinny, and i'm afraid that it might die of hunger...i've got lotsa copepods in my overflow compartment but doesn't seem to see much in my main tank...
  6. i dun think so man...it sounds like the hammer is slowly dying off.. it is too stressed, bring it to a place with better flow, not too strong hor...let the flow wash the slime away, if not it will choke on its own slime...and dun do FW dips...FW dips are only for clearing parasite and hitch-hikers, it will certainly and definitely stress your hammer more...wonder who gave u tat advise.. if u want can try to chop of the dead part, but wait for it to heal 1st... also watch out for your parameter, dying off = high DOC = nitrate later...so becareful...
  7. wait for the marine craze to go 1st...everything will go back to normal...blasto at $20 only... i expect to wait for another 2yrs...
  8. mine eats dead fishes...so everytime any of my fishes die, he will get a feast... so far he is still to slow to catch his own fish..
  9. she will hate you for making her clear up your fish shit...
  10. air stone is not a good skimmer...the reaction chamber is too small and its too much of a hassle to change the air stone every week... unless u can build a 2 ft tall skimmer with 20 air stones...
  11. yoyo...happy bday... come back quickly, i wanna win money to buy some nice nice corals..
  12. i thought my mouth very bad...got pple even worst!!
  13. i think u should say, common not common nevermind, as long as i like... like wat terryansimon said b4 "as long as u like it, then y bother to add something that others like" IMO, watever cheap and ok ok, i will buy...won't really go for exclusive stuffs tat are outrageously expensive..of cos if i can afford, i will but i know i can't...
  14. maybe...but u'll be surprised by the parameter of some LFS...terrible... read somewhere that NSW is recommended over salt mix, as they have better and parameter equilibrium..tat's y corals bloom better... it happen to me tat, when i change my water with NSW, my corals enjoy better... on sat, i changed my water with saltmix and saw a slight(a little only) diff in my corals, dun really open to their full potential...but no such prob with NSW...
  15. i think the best way to intro fishes of the same kind is to intro together... 1) other tangs will be busy attacking 2 fishes instead of concentrating on 1... 2) these new fishes won't attack each other..
  16. yah loh...i have to resist temptation too...hai...maybe getting an alantic blue tang...hopefully the banned shop sell them fast enough so that i can take my time to find...
  17. but most of them, in fact all of them are common ones...still trying to find nicer ones...
  18. my signal pair also gone... initially was my blue streak goby, then it died...so i was thinkin if i get a smaller sand shifting fish might last...but signal pair also didn't make it...they refuse to eat anything...no matter how i flood my tank... give up hope already...better to try star fish or cuke...
  19. yup...tat's y i changed my mh bulb to 10kk blv... now it looks more pink, but the rest of the corals look more brown also...hai... luckily still have 2 X 39W actinic, but i stinging on electricity, my t5 on from 4 to 6.30 then after tat 11.30 to 2am...mh from 6 to 12...so basically the t5 + mh effect only last for 1hr per day...that's when my tank looks the best...will try to take some pic when i get my camera back...
  20. u are good...this way reefers will understand better..
  21. latest update... this week had been a bad one... so many fishes died of ich... 1) 2-spot goby, not eating 2) cleaner wrasse, suspect that it is my boxer again 3) bi colour blenny, jump out of my tank and never recover from shock since then 4) PBT, expected...not eating and terrible ich 5) red clown goby, ich but eating, so suspect boxer again now left with 1) red sea sailfin tang 2) yellow tang 3) black sailfin blenny 4) flame hawk 5) orange band single spot goby 6) high fin goby 7) purple flame goby 8) spotted mandarin parameters ammonia - undetectable (nutrafin) nitrite - undetectable (nutrafin) nitrate - undetectable (salifert) calcium - 450ppm (salifert) dkh - 11 (nutrafin) PH - 7.8 to 8.3 (hanna ph pen) so far so good for all the parameters... red sea sailfin recovered from ich, but still has some scratch marks due to too much rubbing on the LRs...now all fishes super fat...or should i say fat (compared to roidan's)...will get a bottle of formula one and formula two and try...heard that its good... shall not be stocking up until december...hope tat i can resist the temptation...
  22. hhhmm...that sounds bad... maybe it was spray-painted??
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