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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. he sold damn long ago loh...roidan is selling his...but a smaller model...
  2. oopppssss...wrong pic... my favourite idol...
  3. bro, y u put the t5 on top of your hood?? won't the light be blocked by your MH and fan?? noticed that u got another 150W liao?? sell and upgrade to 250W lah...electricity cheaper by 50W... still too lazy to move your skimmer to the back ah?? after my exams, we go shopping together..
  4. actually, i did nothing to encourage the growth...don't even have CR...this is wat i managed in 3-4mths...i dose kalk everyday for my 3-4ltr evaporation.. i think since it is not a very difficult thing to grow, i suggest that u dun worry too much or spend too much on it..just let nature do it..
  5. there goes the motivation for me to watch singapore idol... hai.... love the shot with her in the yellow bikini...
  6. XM SE 10kk bulb?? where did u get it from??
  7. nice and unique backdrop...will try to imitate it if i happen to upgrade my tank...
  8. yup..that's y u need to frabicate the gears...
  9. i think a certified electrician is required...check with those who have done it b4 loh...i think boss and roidan..the rest i dunno liao...
  10. it seems like u have been asking about lotsa stuffs... does your tank come with an overflow compartment?? if not, how are u going to utilise a sump?? if yes, then how come no sump? for skimmer, u might wanna consider other brands..but if u insist on weipro, then go for the bigges set...i tink $50 should be ok for 2014...not too sure... lighting issue depeneds on wat u wanna keep..FOWLR? LPS? SPS? FOWLR, any light will do, even normal flourescent...if u want LPS/SPS, invest more on the lights...for t5, u probably need at least 6-8 X 54W...if not MH 2 X 150W would be just sufficient for LPS and 2 X 250W for SPS...
  11. not really true...i have chilli red coraline algae in my tank...
  12. the second pic made me very giddy...was trying to locate the MH reflector, only to find out that the reflector is the whole thing...hahahaha nice work!!! damn cool...
  13. to do this, someone with good engineering background is required...and i dun think it will be cheap to frabicate...
  14. another alternative is to use a denitrator (very ex)... i do my water change every week (20%)...which is very troublesome...but no choice, i dun have state of the art equips and i feed a lot... nitrate problems have many reasons...one of it which is often overlooked is the water movement in tanks..if there's little water movements, then there will be a lot of detris getting stuck on the sand bed and will worsen the issue... of cos the most important one is still the skimmer...my RObSKim 120/500 is working very hard and working very well as well...thick thick kopi-o, and i have to wash it every 4-5days..
  15. IMO, this skimmer other than being cheap, it is not a very good skimmer...the biggest unit 350, is not really that cheap as well, i tink it was selling at close to $300...i would rather get a EV120 with a bit more money...and now that RM becketts are so cheap, i think it will definitely be a better deal...
  16. i've nvr tried this b4...since lim said that he is using this, give it a try...the reason to have a hole is to break the siphoning action... the best way is still to use as little elbow as possible..
  17. reef maniac, coral lab and i-aquatic...all are our sponsors...
  18. how much is the switch box? y dun u buy those multi-socket with switches?? isn't it cheaper??
  19. hammer torch and frogspawn are from the same family, so i dun think there's any problem...they shouldn't sting each other...but sometimes, even humans kill humans...so u might wanna scrutinise them for a few days, see whether there's any signs of stingin...
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