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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. wat's done cannot be undone... i agree that man u cheated to win, refree kelong and arsenal was whack hard (both physically and mentally)...but the whole season is not based on this game alone...ARSENAL WILL STILL WIN THE LEAGUE!!!! and defend their trophy!!! its true that old horses in arsenal are really gangsters...but seeing Reyes getting chopped like that is really bad..isn't it the MAIN reason why EPL is so good!!almost like WWF!!! i will be eagerly awaiting the return match...ARSENAL WILL KICK MANURE's BUTT.. another exciting game will be CHELSEA vs ARSENAL, chelsea are now finally scoring and not only defending...its gonna be the game of the season... ARSENE WENGER ######HLEY COLE and ARSENAL still rule, MANURE is just the by-product. PS: I am an ARSENAL fan
  2. hey mins, i think a lot of pple want to know whether it is 470 nm light range..and the power consumption as well...any idea?? thanks... the ones that Reef Depot brought in are 470 nm light range, it is the recommended light range for coral hanky panky...i heard of cheap china led lights that are not within that light range...can help in clarifying?? thanks...
  3. how bout u soak (soften) the tablets before droppin into your tank, use saltwater to soak...this way, your fishes will get to eat them 1st...
  4. from wat i learnt from MH, 10kk for better growth, 20kk for better colouration.. but wat bout t5?? will actinic help in coral colouration as well??
  5. my parents just came back from their holiday...finally got my camera back... here's the improvement of my yellow tang... from skinny lady to fatman... my method...ROIDAN's SADISTIC FEEDING REGIME (feed anytime, all the time)... basically i feed them everytime i take a break from my studies, so its about once every 2hours...garlic soaked pellets seem to work well for me... still cannot get a good shot on my red sea sailfin...but the recovery is extreme...i think i can send him to "The Swan" reality tv show... but it sure came with lotsa other sacrifices..1/2 the fish population couldn't make it during this ICH-HELL-BREAK-LOSE period.. will update as soon as my exams are over..
  6. sounds nutritious... any reviews on this MBF frozen food??
  7. i've seen the macro 150, but for a 3ft tank i think it is way too small... seriously speaking, the macro needlewheel is not really tat good...though the price is very attractive... but however, every skimmer has its satisfied owner and i am glad that u are satisfied with it...
  8. i hope the gunners will bounce back...the worst scenerio would be if they are unable to build back the confidence....
  9. hhhmmmm... hello thanomsk... where is this Banmor that u are talking about?? near where?? actually i also dunno where will i be in bangkok?? i think i am staying in a hotel near chinatown...issit near banmor?? maybe we can bring this into PM...PMed u...thanks... 20-50 baht?? that's super cheap!!!
  10. ok...i will drop the idea... hahahha...too much corals to lose for a $35 fish... thanks...
  11. hhhmmm....so which is better?? macro or macro??
  12. I AM GOING BANKOK!!!! minsmarine which part of bankok u got it from?? i will start a bulk order...i knew i can get something out from bankok...but i will charge a little bit extra hor...
  13. exams lah...ending on tues...will call u when i am ready... wah DB, u have amazing yumas...and dersuz as well...my god... *typrobin pulls hammanbmw to one corner...* tsk tsk...u have DB and dersuz address?
  14. whao...wat a difference in the 3 pics... sure look like different clams to me... u are selling them below market rate?? very cheap...UPZ!!!
  15. weishun, are u sure they have enough tanks to hold so much fishes?? i think they need to use their back up tanks in the quarantine area already...hahahaha
  16. i suggest otherwise...his tank is 4ft long..it is probable that he will position the MH one on each side (left and right) this way, it will look blue on one side and white on the other... i second to ryz...save on electrical bills and t5... if u are thinkin of getting 10kk bulbs (which are cheaper), then get aquaz t5 actinic pro..54W per tube for a 4ft tank... go straight for 14kk and solve all your problems...but your corals may not enjoy it... another issue, wat are u going to keep? SPS or LPS or softies??150W might not be enough for SPS... and try not to put light-demanding corals (clams) on your sandbed if u are using 150W, your tank is too tall... try to position your lights as close as possible to the water surface, but not too close to get salt spray... i used to have 2X150W for my 3ft tank..2 X profantic fans worked well for me..of cos, i had to work hard on water top ups as well...
  17. no need to buy PS liao...can save money..
  18. hi all, recently Irwana has lotsa Lemon Peel angels...very vibrant colour and very healthy... i know that they are not reef safe, but so are flame angels...my tank mainly consist of LPS... my questions: 1) wat do they usually eat in the wild? 2) should i set up a holding area for him to start eating on pellets 1st? 3) should i buy at all? 4) how can i train them to be reef safe?
  19. 5gallons?? it looks more like a leak than evaporation...
  20. hey friend, your sandbed is terrible.. u spaced your SPS well, wait for them to grow and it will definitely be magnificent..good idea to start off with small frags...cheaper and it really will show your patience in growing them...
  21. at least a weipro 2012...but try to get as large as possible...
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