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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. typrobin

    Surge Device

    hey bro, i'm not too sure bout surge devices but this one looks simple and i think theoretically it should work.... http://saltaquarium.about.com/gi/dynamic/o...om%2Fsurge1.htm
  2. anyway, wat are the symtoms to look out for dying hammers?? pls dun tell me mine is one of it....
  3. hi bros....i noticed sumthing funny bout my hammers, the slimy body part seem to be diminishing...dunno wat's wrong pls advise....thanks.... pls note the difference of the 2 at the side and the big one in the centre
  4. hhhmmmm...i think weipro should be good enuf...perhaps u might wanna get a 2012 or higher. personally i think 2011 is not good enuf...that's y i am trying to DIY my own H&S rite now...my 2011 suck BIG BIG time...skim for 1-2weeks only half a cup of TEA...not even a single drop of KOPI-O.and it also need to be fine-tuned periodically, i dunno why also....if u wan i can offer u my 2011 cheap cheap but u gotta get your own pump...hehehe...juz pm me loh...
  5. wah bro, u kena knock liao...jebo itself can be found at only $20, and unless u are using a super powerful pump, i don't think it should cost $50....u might wanna look around before buying....hehehhee
  6. wah u stay so far ah?? i am staying in woodlands....think i'll skip...thanks anyway....
  7. wah lao....damn gross.... hope my DIY can create this, my weipro 2011 works like sissy, only has TEA not KOPI-O.... anyway my project is completing soon....now only have to DIY needlewheel propeller and troubleshoot to fit into my metal stand....estimated to be kicking by thursday.... ANYONE STAYING IN WOODLANDS OR YISHUN OR SEMBAWANG CAN SPARE ME A BIO-BALL?? NEED IT URGENTLY TO DO MY NEEDLEWHEEL....PLSSSSS.............
  8. hhhmmm...dead rocks?? like how?? might need some for my refugium...collection??
  9. i remember seeing AT recommending outlet of chiller to be directly into tank.reason being, in case your return pump fails, u won't find cook pratas and fried fishes....
  10. oopppssss, sorry very tempting.... where to collect?
  11. 1) percentage cut from each sale of the product advertised to the running of SRC.. this rule can only be fulfilled if buyers and sellers are truthful enuf...i think rule 2 is better... 2) maybe a small advertising fee per thread no matter how much they sell the item at, a fee to be impose for the thread... then again, as mentioned, if the DIYer made not sales, he still has to pay.... hhhhmmmm, how bout doing the auction method?and apply rule 1. 1) percentage cut from each sale of the product advertised to the running of SRC.. like YAHOO.... if this is used, the higher the auction price, the happier the DIYer and also benefits SRC more.... additional rules: a) no contact numbers allowed until sale is confirmed by both parties... seller & buyer have to remain anonymous, such as the buyer will not know the seller and vice versa. but if this is to be done, the AUCTION forum has to be re-written to enable anonymity in the forum...AT will be very busy then.....
  12. hey bro, i think BWILLY is looking for a 3ft tank for his fren....maybe can PM him directly??
  13. here's a pic of my rusting stuffs.....i think the metal piece on the right is definitely in all PH.that means all PH are rusting right?? having BIG headache now, god pls tell me wat to do / let me win 4-D so tat i can buy more PHs!!!
  14. the metal part i am refering to is this....anyone has any suggestion?? or should i juz leave it as it is?? i don't think even AQUA recommended by DR EVIL has anything special rite??
  15. another thing tat i noticed.... even if it is stated as ceramic shaft, there is still a piece of metal (it is the metal pin that hows the whole impeller together) somehow... i opened another OceanFree PH and found rust AGAIN....the only one tat i have not dismantle is the return pump, which i shall do over the weekends....hope i do not get another heart attack....
  16. hi, i was dismantling my PH (oceanfree) to DIY a pin wheel impeller and to my horror, i saw lotsa rust in the impeller itself... gosh, i had been using the PH for sometime already, wonder if anyone faced the same problem as me? i was wondering, since most PH uses magnetic fields to rotate the impeller, there should definitely be IRON in the impeller rite?? any good brands that is fully plastic? wat's the most reliable brand of PH for marine tank?? i always thought only those taiwan and china brands are sub-standard products, nvr new that ocean free is also the same.... pls advise....
  17. hi all, i'm trying to DIY a H & S skimmer...i've been trying to source out for good silicon for PVC pipes but in vain... can anyone recommend me a "easy-to-find" silicon tat's strong enuf to hold even an elephant? i've actually been using epoxy resin, but haf no idea whether it is toxic...pls advise....
  18. come to think about it...wat bout copyrights and patents?? big firms don't do research for nothing...i bet there's some patents enforced on certain products...DIYing for personal use is alrite but selling as a "manufacturer" might cause big problems... i fully support the idea though...juz worried tat it might cause problems...i think its best to let it remain unknown, such as state it as a DIY project...if there are interested parties, use PM loh...in such a manner, it won't be easy to trace... if i were to write up a WINDOWS program for personal use, BILL GATES can't do anything about it, but if i were to sell it......i think i'll be dead meat....
  19. from the way i look at your sump, the overflow should be hitting your sump at the right side rite?? THE SUMP try to expand the middle compartment as much as possible, coz u can use it as a refugium...more sand can be put in it = more denitrification (i think it is spelled like tat).... y not extend the green part to the breadth of your sump, instead of limiting it to a small corner? by extendiung it, u can put bigger piece of filters also... dun forget to put in mind your skimmer...where should u place it.... THE OVERFLOW becareful of fishes overflowing into that area.... wat's the 2 holes at the side for?? i see tat u are intending a 2outlets overflow....good.... check valves might be required to control your outlet...if volume of outlet is too huge, u'll constantly hear the sound of a washing machine...like me...
  20. hey your dymax 1200, issit this kind of PH???
  21. my tank is only 3ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft with 2ft X 1ft X 1ft sump...trying to DIY coz i can still use it if i upgrade my tank mah...that;s if my DIY project works loh... i understand wat u mean liao....thanks...think i'll juz do up my model with your model as a guide.i'll use 2 pumps, do not need the extra pump to pump water into it as i am using the "gravity method" from my overflow into the skimmer.... thanks 4 your comments...maybe will post up my DIY project when i start so tat you can comment on my worksmanship....
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