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Everything posted by typrobin

  1. i fully agree with gouldian except for no. 5 in my experience, u have to really scrub the glass 1st b4 installing the rio...i did tat and it didn't fall off after 4-5mths...but to play safe, its always better to get the part 6... for a 2ft tank, it really depends on wat u wanna keep...if LPS, i reckon that 620 should be sufficient...but sps try to go for 820... when i wanted to set up my 2ft cube, my intention was to use 2 X 820 and 1 X 1100...
  2. actually, after calculation...i think running the basic zeo system is just about the same as running rowa.. never used rowa b4, but my friend (who used to run rowa and now running zeo) told me so...any users can enlighten on the breakdown of the running cost??
  3. keep flushing with FW continuosly for about a month...do it every other day...it should more or less clear most of it...but it will still come back... zoos will not die easily from FW dips...
  4. I have for injectors for sale. 2 sets of 484-A 3/4" MNPT(polypropylene) 2 sets of 584 3/4" MNPT(polypropylene) selling at $60each, bought from Reef Depot at $70each this CNY.self collect at bio ocean or admiralty mrt. pm me if interested. Mazzei Website
  5. anyone looking for me?? great job Batman!!! good review!!
  6. bio ocean has 1 AT...2 PBT..a few YT but no PT
  7. it is in the member's tank forum...
  8. i think tat's y qian hu claim that they over-chill the tank...hhaaa
  9. aquamarine's offer so good...grab lah...
  10. i did it before... the trick is, when my return pump is off, it will be submerged as water starts to fill up the sump tank...so no problem at all..
  11. i used to spray my clams with 250W and no chiller...only cooling with fans...temperature around 28 most of the time...guess it shouldn't be a prob... for clams, dun forget the calcium and kh that they require...i had 2 croceas in my old 3ft tank, i supplement them with kalk only...no money to buy CR...so dose kalk everyday...of course my evaporation is super high, because i use fans...3-4ltr per day... clams grew well, i think...and survived with me for about 4-5mths before i sold them away...grew at least 3 "folds", dunno wat is it called, extra shell??, watever.... IMO, clams are light dependant, so if u are thinkin of PL, quite dangerous...t5, i would say place them as high as 4inches below water level... just my opinion lah...still up to individuals..
  12. maybe u might wanna reduce the height of the tank...unless u have very long hands, if not the bottom will be very hard to reach...try to make it 24" tall... as for 3ft and 3ft wide, u need to position your sump closer to the front...if not u'll have problem accessing to your sump..i suggest u position your sump sideway instead of all the way at the back... external overflow seems to be a big hit in SRC...it allows more area within the tank...just to be kiasu, make at least 2 X 1" overflows, or even better 2 X 1 1/4" overflows...to maximise the option of return pumps... make your sump bigger than required, so that u can dump more equips in and also a larger pool of water...build a fresh water reservoir too... as for the cabinet, the center vertical beam is not necessary if the whole structure is build with thick wood... if u are looking for tank maker, u can pm me...i still have the contact to a good tank maker, recommnded by lotsa reefers here...i never contact him b4, but i heard he is very helpful and fast....
  13. god of DIY, good one on the quick release!!!
  14. finally some updates... nice work bro!!!
  15. rio 20hf has high flowrate, but certainly doesn't have the strenght to push as far as md55... if your return pipe is very long, u might wanna use md55...but if it is somewhere like 3-4ft, then just use 20hf... to use 20hf, i believe your overflow needs to be at least 1 1/4" pipings...for md55, at least 2 X 1" or 1 X 1 1/2" pipings...
  16. i believe they are refering to running the pump dry..all aquarium pumps cannot run dry... in the installation guide, it is stated that it can be used externally.. it is definitely not a hot pump...in fact the temperature of my old tank dropped by 1 degreeC after i used 20hf to replace my eheim 1260.. personally, i feel that this HF series are quite well-built..low electricity consumption and high flowrate..
  17. preferably sell them off... esecially sps, dun think they can survive the transit...
  18. if your tank is 2ft get 2ft t5, no point getting longer ones... your tank is shallow, 1.5ft, so dun think u need MH...
  19. i'll take both... pls pm me your contacts..
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