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Everything posted by hmkui

  1. how big is yr sun coral in term of size....thks
  2. Yes, I strongly agree with Fuel. We are here to help one another and I believe James72 do not have the intention to harm any LS cos... it is expensive to do so... all the best James72
  3. Well guys.. AT is a committed hobbyist and it is sad to know that some hobbyist is killing the corals and fishes because of being impatient to wait for the tank to cycle. It's a normal phenomenon for new hobbyists to stock up their tank because of their desire to get everything up running. Sad to say most of the new hobbyist do not commit the time and effort to do their research on marine tank during the beginning. Worst case is when the new hobbyist gather all the wrong information from some unethical LFS. Which is why this club was being created. The fundermental of the club is to impart and share experiences. (pardon me if I am wrong) As a committed hobbyist, it is important for us to share our knowledge and educated new hobbyists. I am very glad that this club was being created and I personally learn a lot of new things even though I have this hobby for 10 years. I think we should try to help one another and exchange our experiences so that we could all achieved success in this hobby and it is also part of our duty to help save the reef. I have read an article which quite sometime back regarding yellow tang. It was estimated that in a year a total of 300,000 yellow tang was caught and sold into aquarium all around the world and imagine how many of this fishes kill by hobbyist and that is only 1 specsis and how about the rest. (sorry guys too lengthy hope u guys will pardon me for this..... )
  4. hi frens.. what is the diff for DE and SE sorry .. cos i haven't use BLV before... beside BLV does anyone got a better suggestion for the 20k Bulb ... cos my tank is 30" deep guess only the 20k bulb can have the specturm to penetrate to that depth of my tank.. pls advise... thks
  5. hi guys... chengai does leak out juices.. esp if the wood is damp with water.. and yes they do stain the floor esp if you have marble flooring you won't be able to remove the stain... although the wood is hardie....esp so for boat making... there is another wood call the pin pian (ch han yu pin yi) well.. u can use that too ... some of the jetty are make from such wood... but it has the same characteristic but don't really leak out juices.. but the surface of the wood is very rough which u can't use it to make cabinet doors... as for most of the cabinet internal, the material use for the structure... are solid wood make from teak, nyatoh or some other raw hardwood... u have to check with the carpenter but majority of them can be use as a support cos they are very strong. Just remember do not use veneer for yr cabinet doors as prolong exposure to water the veneer will be damaged (unless you can take very good care of the cabinet... by minimising water contact etc).. go for real solid doors or laminated door... cheers..
  6. hi guys... i thot of changing my bulb to blv 20k .. 150w have any guys use this bulb b4 and how's the performance.. will need to hear from those whom have use the bulb b4 i decide to buy .. thks..
  7. well.. guys.. correct me if i m wrong.. both false and true percula are found in the sea.. just that the false percula are easier to breed in captivation and readily available that why the price of the false is so much cheaper... then the true percula.. as u know.. the true percula.. u can only keep 1 unless they are a pair... they are not a school fish.. and very aggressive to their own kind... if u happen to keep a few of them.. they will kill each other till the strongest survive... as for the false perula.. they can be kept in school... esp those that are captivated breed... but there are exception for the true percula.. which mostly they can live in school provided they are captivated breed... as for some of the exotic clown.. the cost of the fish is cheap but the selling price is very expensive... becos it is rare.. to certain extend that their profit margin is few 100 percent .. so just becareful when u buy some exotic clown....
  8. well.. thin black lines are the normal clowns... most of the true percula will have a bigger black lines or some even cover the whole body with the black patch... second u can also see that the white area in the centre of the fish more define and sharper compare to the false percula.. and another one is the price.. alto not very accurate... most of the normal clowns sell in LFS are around the range of $1 to $3 and the true perula... the price range is around... $12 to $18 depending on the black patch as well as the side... a pair up of a true percula will range from $45 to $65.
  9. hi vince... where did u place the coco worm... is the current where u place the worm is strong..few of the experience which i have gather with some hobbyist is that whenever they place the coco worm on a very strong current area such thing happen... the whole worm just came out... probably they may want to move to another area which r very pron to be eaten by the LF and invertebrates some of them hobbyist doesn't even keep boxer shrimp ... but if the worm u put in is still inside try to move them to a medium current area... it will recuperate and new coco worm will regenerated but the new one normally is not as colourful as the original one.... hope this help...
  10. hi del... well some research did mention that we should not disturb the gravel cos.. cleaning it will remove lots of good baterial and organism but that will only be able to acheive if you use real live sand which mostly u can't get it in local. Cos the live sand will consists of lots and lots of worms, organism, lava, phykton and lots of baterial which will help to break down the waste product etc and normally the fish waste will not be able to breakdown that fast by the baterial which mostly will become a nutrient for the tank. Sea star... sea cumcumber hermit crab all this are the primary tank cleaner cos they ate all this waste product and the waste produce by them are much easier to be consume by the baterial on the gravel. Second, it will also depends on the hobbyist ... cos most of us will overstock the tank and that add on to the waste produced by the LF and during this time if the sand is not capable to dissolve all this waste product it will pack in and sooner it will become a nutrient reservoir... and without sufficent organism to move the sand such as worms, sea cumcumber etc.. the baterial will pack in and slowly u will see a layer of dark slime stuff appearing on the sand bed... this are baterial which gather in big numbers till u can see them... that why if you started off without live sand it is recommended to clean yr gravel or if u don't wish to vacuum out the baterial u can physically stirr the sand once a while... when u see it hardening....
  11. hi del... i m not sure why u need 0 grade sand cos.. there might be some problem which u may want to look into.. first, if you do normal gravel cleaning... most of the 0 grade sand will be siphon off cos they are too light and too fine... second, if u don't do normal gravel cleaning... the sand will harden very fast after a short time frame... and if the powerhead u r using is very strong esp when u just set up .. it will stirr up the sand too... so hopefully this information will be helpful to u... but the advantage is... it will look cool esp the beginning when u just set it up... but problems come later...
  12. AT is correct... some of the soft corals when they die.. they does release certain toxin into the water.. do some water changes and usage of carbon will help... esp if you have a big tank... would not be much of an impact on the LS and corals... unless the soft coral is very big which might polluted yr tank... and worst if you tank is small.... but do be careful if you have other tank mates such as sea apple, sea cumcumber, anemone and cow fish. if you have them in yr tank and they die as well... then u will have a big problem...
  13. i hv a teco chiller... RA 680.. it is quite quiet... as compare to other brand.. but a brand new one may cost around 1.8k to 2k if i m not wrong the price might chg... the chiller is made with 2 degrees diff.. and it is running at 3amp as compare to other chiller which may run as high as 8amp. so that save a bit on the electrical bills. Nowadays there are so many brand which can give the same function and best of all the price is so much cheaper but again must do research on the brand cos i hear lots of complain from the cheaper chiller... some even.. not able to live past their warranty period...
  14. hi.. i started mine.. way back 10 yrs ago.. from a 1½ ft tank size till today of 5½ ft tank... and the passion in keeping this hobby never dies.. to the extend... that my wife complains that i rather pay attention to the fish then to her.... .. to counter that... i kept fishes that she likes...problem solved..
  15. hi mac... not all LFS will tell u the same thing.. using wool is just another form of mechanical filter same as yr protein skimmer. You can don't use the wool provided u have live rock, a very good protein skimmer which can cost you a bomb and just a few fishes depending on how big is yr tank. This method is call the berlin method. Of cos using wool will help to trap all those poops which is easy to remove and maintain your tank as well as controlling the nutrients level of yr tank.
  16. hi guys.. anyone of u have try the miracle mud system.. pls share with me yr experiences on the mud system if you have.. thks
  17. thks AT... well have been keeping marine fish for 10 yrs... presently have my 5.5ft x 2.5ft x 2ft tank. Will try to upload my tank pic once i get my new digi camera. BTW i m going to try the miracle mud system for my 5.5ft tank and have been doing quite some research on the mud system and so far the response was quite pleasing... will keep u guys updated if it is successful presently restructing my sump tank and boy it is lot of work. Guys if any of u have info on the mud system pls keep me updated. thks
  18. hi guys.. just leave the regal alone don't try to put it on a fresh water dip cos.. it might stress the regal further.. observe for a while and if he is eating well... it will heal by itself... if u r feeding yr regal with brine shrimp or mysis shrimp soak it with garlic extract it will help them to heal faster and garlic extract has a very strong sense which will tempt yr regal to eat... hope this is useful...
  19. Hi guys.. just adding some of my experience that i have and share around... for acro... they need high density of lights as well as current but direct blowing of current would some how kill the coral unless they are place in certain distant away from the pump which in terms depend on how strong is the output of the pump alternating current or turbulence seem to do pretty well for acro.. and they grow very fast if the condition is right. Constant maintenance is a must for acro.. cos some of my friends experience bleaching after the coral was kept for years and most of reason lies on lacking of maintaining the tank. Hope this info would be helpful...
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