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hmkui last won the day on February 8 2012

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  1. Flame Angel sold to a nice reefer thanks and thread closed
  2. With a heavy heart, i have to let go my flame angel due to bioload. Selling at $110 and collect in the east tomorrow and will throw in a doctor wrasse too Please pm me thanks.
  3. Hi all, Sorry, the tank has been taken, my apology if I did not reply to your pm in time. Thanks to all who are interested in the tank. Thank you once again. Thread Closed.
  4. The tank has been sitting in my balcony for a very long time so decided to give it away especially great for a new starter. I will also be giving away a small chiller. The tank comes with, a return pump, skimmer, and build-in lights. **Please take note** 1. You need to do some cleaning. 2. Don't expect a brand new condition 3. In case equipment doesn't start up you have to find your own replacement. 4. One of the Chiller fans may have some sound, and need some cleaning. The collection of the items will be in the East. PM me if you are interested and do give me time to respond thanks.
  5. Anyone selling or spotted in any LFS? Pls pm me thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Anyone selling please let me know thanks [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hi is the Duncan still available Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Hi Solo, great to hear from you Bro and yes starting something small hahahha. Do catch up during phase 2 or 3 :))
  9. is yr artificial rock still available and is the price nego
  10. Anyone has one to sell or where can i find one?
  11. giving my 4ft tank... pls arrange your own transport as well as ppl to dismantle the pipes.. thanks interested parties pls pm me..collection in the west
  12. RM is just a local brand
  13. got 1 unit of magic dosing pump for sale.. havent use it.. want to clear by tomorrow .. discount will be given if collected tomorrow will let go at $180
  14. Must clear the FR by tomorrow those who can collect tomr will give a bit discount...collection at jurong east Deltec FR - $90 RM FR - $70 (very new used only a few months)
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