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Everything posted by MGDAR

  1. Bro, no problem.just happen to see one going to trade,one looking for live rock so just pass MSG only.
  2. Hi Guys, Anyone know that ah beng got new stock from indo pacific coming this week?
  3. Hi Bro, Liquidnose got some fake live rock to give away. Go to sell/buy forum to get from him.
  4. Bro as of 3:30pm, there is still near 10over pcs of barlett available.
  5. Bro, Go changi to fish some bah, quite a number of starfish to choose from from big to small.
  6. Bro, I also got mine scalet hermit at CF cost me $2 ea. i got 4 now left 2 only 2 MIA already.
  7. Bro try LCK201, Just when there on Wed afternoon quite a few pc of royal gamma. If not, you go to the back tank where near the plant area there are also one nice big gamma inside.provided the helper want to help you catch.
  8. Bro, can i just take LR from you?
  9. Sorry bro, never ask.only know that harp tail Blenny selling at 2reds 3purple.
  10. Today just when to CF,lots of PBT,sailfin tang,flame angel,coral beauty,yellow angel midnight angel,flame back angel & also 2 barred angel. There are also some algae blenny, few flame tail blenny, white blenny, harp tail blenny and some red spot blenny. And also a lot of true perculers clown fish. Also got some nice zebra dartfish and sea horses.
  11. Hi Bro Slayer213, Got see the Escenius australianus??what is the cost of this blenny??
  12. Hi bro, I'm looking for something not too baby, can fit my 5ft tank one.thanks for the advise.Btw how much sealife selling Midas?
  13. Hi bro, Thanks for the info,hope still got the Midas when I visit LCK tomorrow.
  14. Hi guys, I also looking for that Blenny.keep me poster too I also stay in the west.
  15. I though LCK also got Midas as per last week stock?how is the look of ah beng Midas?
  16. Hi guys,if any of u see any high/sailfin blenny can pls update me?thanks. Hope to see this weekend.
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