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that was niceeeee

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Everything posted by that was niceeeee

  1. hey does blue throat trigger available in sg?besides that trigger wad other trigger can apart it from male n female?
  2. wow weileong bro second chevron...nice n fat..my bro thouht its a koi
  3. bro thats not a fu man chu..thats a dwarf lion fiah..fu man chu have red n black n have 2 feelers like things at near their mouth
  4. hi as the above any haveing?n maybe also anyone have a 1ft tnak?
  5. i usually have elect shock when putting my hands in..but fishes all seem fine..eating happily le..but my fishes like no feeling
  6. left with the pacific sailfin tang..anybody?
  7. nice fish man bro..got one golden strip too..finding a bigger one
  8. the fish inside there for so long liao meh/until now still have?
  9. umm... the tangs that i wan to sell are all fat n healthy eating pellets..especially he BT fat like hell
  10. pacific sailfin tang 4inch think selling 15 BT selling $12 1.5inch YT 3.5inch 20 self collect at ang mo kio ave 5
  11. Arsenal 1.Dispar_anthias 2.LVCAP 3.that was niceeeee Newcastle All THE WAY!!!! Manchester United 1. terryansimon (since 1987!) 2. mv3i ( since 1980's) .... gosh i'm old liao 3. auberon (since small boy! think also abt. 80's) Liverpool 1. hkching (since 1987) 2.flamey(look at avatar! u'll neva walk alone!! go spanish revolution!!!) Chelsea 1. Vinoth 2. Tottenham Hotspur 1. Lightningstrike 2. Pangz Newcastle United 1. junyong84 2.
  12. hey blueheaven is your sailfin tang the red sea type?casue i bought one exactly like yours but mine is a pacific le..
  13. hi looking for a 2ft by 1.5 by1.5ft tank..anybody letting go?going to convert it to a predator tank
  14. wah bro AT nice than how big is your sailfin?
  15. today at pasir ris saw a radiata.. n fuman chu...nice n lots of volitan
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