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that was niceeeee

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Everything posted by that was niceeeee

  1. 6line wrass at $4 the gobies not mine but same type
  2. hawk fish eating pellets n sometimes a few pieces of seaweed aso
  3. the vamingii(dun know how to spell) very fat btw nice tnak
  4. 1)chromis x2 $1each 2)gobyx1 $5 2to2.5inch 3)spotted hawkfishx2 $5 each size 1.5inch to 2inch 4)cleaner wrassex1 $4 eating liao n also got eat small bits of seaweed.. anyone interested pm mi your contact or sms mi at 90282569
  5. sigh..i retain sec 3 wah lao need 4 marks than can pomote..gosh..but DA n to the rest taking O gd luck..
  6. nice tnank...enjoy building up your reef...
  7. adult chevron..small one u can go n find in weileong tank spec or roidans one..
  8. hey bro show more pics of your fish luv seeing other reefers fish..haha
  9. ok..mine whihc i sold away does not even have ich..
  10. keeping moorish idol is like a gamble it either dies or survive in your tnak..n try to feed it with sponges
  11. chevron tang easier to care for..AT is a ich magnet unlike chevron seldom
  12. wad bro u very rich..wah u one chervon not enought?blakc tnag niceer ma
  13. yeah must have space..than in your 6footer i think cannot add liao le
  14. bro u mean in your 6 ft tnak? with your lage angel?not passible bah..
  15. hey bro your PBT how ong liaoa r?no ich?
  16. even if its a FOWLR,u cnanot have so many tangs..too cramp..in my 4ft FOWLR i now only have a sailfin n will only get one more tang whihc is the PBT...too many tangs in small tank is not avisable.. i have tried 5 tangs in 4ft n they dun have much room to swim
  17. a big big tank with all the LR sand all inside liao.. n if can 3 more AT chervon n black tang
  18. wah..so camouflage..scared other fish bully it ar?
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