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that was niceeeee

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Everything posted by that was niceeeee

  1. one fish getting redder n one got blue eyes
  2. hey is the corals i asking for still available?
  3. hi selling my lion fish... one dwarf zebra n 2 fuzzy dwarf... 3 selling at 30... anybpody interested?hope sumbody will buy
  4. sure or not so many ppl say antenata u say chinese tail bar lion
  5. wats this lion name?rumor angry help me identif this lion
  6. planing to have one but didnt know that got one in my tank... lol
  7. is exactly the same as min is smaler 2.5 in only. and the side fin s no as long but growing.. but look exactly as wat see i the pic i posted
  8. i thik its adwarf lioncould that be?or a volitan.. wat u think
  9. yeah bought it 2 weeks ago at reborn... 2.5 inch to 3 inch only... but mine had not grow the long long fin like that in the pic.
  10. really?cause i have one bought from reborn
  11. wats this lion call?angry volitan anybody help
  12. hi anybody interested in fuzzy dwarf lion fsh 2.5 inch to 3 inch n 1 volitan... seling all at 30.anybody interested
  13. don have la... i just call say don have
  14. hey tjy if the guy don wan the gonios (don kow how to spell)u take one i take one can?freewill if the 2 still got he take one i take one... ok?
  15. hi can anybody tell me y i must put in market prawns?now my this tank never put got alot of corals still healthy... y must put?
  16. um.... so so sorry that few days later let u know... a lion
  17. anybody wan 2 3 to 3.5 inch fuzy dwarf for sale...very alert always feed prawns they not enough can play around too
  18. freewill i wan the UIC coral the bottom piece...i secondary student only how much u charge me?pm me the price n your contact number
  19. anybody selling hammer clam Goniopora anybody? pls reply
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