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that was niceeeee

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Everything posted by that was niceeeee

  1. anthias poo alot n needs a srong skimmer..n anthias can only have 1 male if more than one they will fight
  2. but will there ever hve any ABT coming in anot
  3. does anyone know in fish farms any farms got sell a 4inch below sohal tang?
  4. wah bro wish i could have a ABT next chinese new yr .. thinking of gettingone like yours like that small size..but wander if have ma?if not try an AT
  5. i think is the background thats y water yellowish..mine also like that..bo try using balck paper cover behind nicer..
  6. MSN here... 1) kschew1498@hotmail.com 2) jesperlam@hotmail.com 3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com 4) hihai@singnet.com.sg(penyu) 5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG) 6) weileong27@hotmail.com 7) farishkadir@hotmail.com(AlfaRomeo) 8) ryanchan76@hotmail.com (lightningstrike) 9)RiotOfTheHeart@hotmail.com (Spider1 ) 10) mun333@hotmail.com 11) blueheaven636@hotmail.com 12)g8dget@hotmail.com (ryan) 13)ryzonian@hotmail.com(ryz) 14)dezimondo@hotmail.com(mUAr_cHEe) 15) nicholaslohkl@hotmail.com(nicholasloh) 16)ys613@hotmail.com(Borinz) 17)shoelevy@hotmail.com (shoelevy) 18)kurtsunny@hotmail.com (sunny) 19)ape_tengok@hotmail.com(bubble_gum) 20)junkai666@hotmail.com (FuEl) 21)integra0718@hotmail.com 22)zhihong_chen AT hotmail dot com(aStRoBo|) 23)honhon@hotmail.com (Hon) 24)patrick123_123@hotmail.com (patrick123) 25)jamesrock120202@hotmail.com (rockfish) 26)goh_koon_chau10@hotmail.com(that was niceeeee) Yahoo here...... 1) kschew_1498 2) hamannbmw 3) djdazhu (planetG) 4) mun333 5) honhon27 (Hon) 6)alanseah@yahoo.com (alanseah) ICQ here...... 1) 7789783 (weileong) 2) 87101161 (lightningstrike) 3) 1612999 (mUAr_cHEe) 4) 3957336 (FuEl) 5) 2095202 (Hon) 6) 4769697 (alanseah)
  7. bro lvcap your ABT very cute n nice..sad to hear that your AT gone liao..i wanna try also scared to ty keeping AT
  8. yeah hor at pasir ris got malaysia cars..but dun believe malaysia LS more ex.. well give it a miss..next time go hong kong or wad than can get
  9. wa..small frag for 20? might as well buy the whole lot.. very black hearted bluff those whose new to the hobby..
  10. abit here ar..the fishes at like malaysia cheap or not ar?hehe
  11. hi reefers anyone know any where around johor got any marine shop?cna give mi the adress if so?going to malasysia
  12. oh hat means can bring in fish from malaysia through woodlands checkpoint?if so i next week going malaysia n can get fishes man..
  13. hawkfish still available six line wrasse still available goby still available anyone?taek all at 15
  14. trying to ctach my hawk fish too..tried on the lught suddenly all still hiding
  15. i am going to try either a AT or a chevron next yr after Chi nEw yr got money liao..haha..somemore got more cause birthday on second day..wah shiok..than the AT will be the only fish swimming in the tank
  16. cannot le..some more my sch principal no more liao leave liao
  17. going to sell also a golden maroon clown fish..at 8 size round2inch
  18. the hawk fish is something like this pic
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