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that was niceeeee

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Everything posted by that was niceeeee

  1. anyone selling?lazy to go fish farm buy ar..haha so ask anybody selling? some more scared buy from LFS ich very serious
  2. but i got a cleaner wrasse for months n months already..rather hardy fish.nibbles on pellets
  3. eating n healthy round 2inch...selling at 8
  4. hey bro nice tangs especially sailfin...how long u take to cycle your tank ar?
  5. is it really that cheap?a red sea sailfin at 8 ..tank i think its small when it grows
  6. how large is your large? cause so large also cannot le wait if its so comfortable in the tnak n its the biggest i think it will bully... my 2cents
  7. ok..i also wan to try out.. but i think first few days it will eat red bamboo algae or some algae on glass wall..y is it bad record?because of wad?
  8. haha...underage fighting.. 1.5inch?so small?just like my sailfin..purple tang cannot add so big also le if u wna add it..
  9. bro weileong,i dun know how to go sealife le..how much u bought your whitecheek?until now the whitecheek tnag still have?
  10. thanks deepblue..gd har my clown?swim too fast liao messy..deepblue is it fierce in your wife's tnak?
  11. dun think can...cause tank should be big cause if they swim abit than see each other they wil get aggressive..n even the peaceful scopas or sialfin also will fight n one wil die
  12. ok...but luckily my clown tang doesent have any sickness n when i introduce it i add few drops of copper into my FOWLR n until now never add anything..all my fish no ich...
  13. yeah nice fish....once added sohal very hard to other tangs le
  14. is it the the carribean sea got those special disease?only heard the ABT carry it?
  15. ok..sadsad..that means all your money spend on buying it is a waste..nice tank
  16. yeah i will be getting 3to4inch type..or maybe a PBT or whitecheek tang?
  17. cannot expensive tangs la weileong...haha..i sec 3 student only le.. thioeh go for clown tang cna liao hor? cheaper
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