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Sani Boyan

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Everything posted by Sani Boyan

  1. Aaahh.... sweet. Planning is key! Now sit back, relax and plan on corals scaping.
  2. A neat nice tank. Kudos bro!
  3. 5th attempt? Then I guess I am lucky then. Bought mine without knowing whether eating or not. Started eating pellets 2 days later. Pheww....
  4. Wished I read this much earlier... great technique!
  5. Nice scape. Is that a juvenile emperor? Risky bro IMO. Its a hit and miss. Likes to nip on softies if you are not lucky.
  6. Agreed. Thought it will inspire me further in my work. Well, no more additional tanks allowed at home. CO says 2 is enough...
  7. Sad to say.... tank decommed a month later. Cannot tahan the looks of my boss everytime he visits me. Well, back to only just doing work at work. No avenue for personal pleasure.
  8. No one got nothing to trade with my Blue Tang? Really?
  9. Fish still available. Sms/whatsapp me for fast reply.
  10. I bet you are feeling superbly excited!! Cause I really am! Great tank.
  11. Woodlands Ave 6 Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  12. Anyone? Fish caught and ready.... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  13. I shall resist.... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  14. Nice? Maybe. Terbaik(The best)?? Don't think so bro. Thanks for the compliments though.
  15. Not that nice actually.... but thanks!! Healthy.... really hope they stay that way.
  16. Update of my current FOWLR tank for logging purposes. Livestock 1 emperor angel (juv) 1 flame angel 1 rusty angel 1 blue tang 1 yellow tang 1 powder brown tang 2 foxface 1 pair true peculiar misbar clown 3 fire goby (purple) 1 anthias (pink) 2 yellow tail damsels 1 cleaner shrimp 1 yellow banded shrimp 2 blue legged hermits 3 turban snails 1 maroon clown (in-sump refugium/nano tank) Tank: 4'x2'x1.5' Lighting: ODYSSEA EVO Led 48" 96W Skyblue (10000K+blue) Skimmer: BM Curve 5 Tunze 6100 w 7091 Sunsun JVP-101A Water params Salinity: 1.022 PH:8.4 KH: 12 NO2: 0 NO3: 20 NH3: 0 PO4: So long never check... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  17. Thank you. Did not really train them. Maybe they are just plain hungry....
  18. Sorry for the late reply. When the video is taken, the fox is just a few days old in my tank. Surprisingly so tame that quick. Lucky I guess?
  19. Very nice looking refugium cum nano tank. Been wanting to do this setup as well but hesitating. Looking at yours makes me jumping to start.
  20. Hey fellow reefers. Wanting to trade my 3.5" blue tang with 2 smaller ones. Around 1.5" maybe? https://www.dropbox.com/s/xywdo7v4ev9tsol/20131018_215148.jpg SMS me at 81265362.
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