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Everything posted by MillionaireMachine

  1. NOW left with PSB --$2 11 in 1 super bacteria--$2 2 ft fl light set --$8 brandless powerhead at 1200l/hr --$5 Aquapharm Calcium -- $6 TAKE ALL FOR $20
  2. UPDATES Seachem Paraguard --RESERVED BY VICKY Hydrometer-######-thermometer --RESERVED BY VICKY Sand--RESERVED BY fishchemist Resun air pump -- RESERVED BY fishchemist Skimmer --RESERVED BY fishchemist REST OF ITEMS ARE STILL AVAILABLE CHEERS
  3. oops sorry... itm 5) Seachem Phosguard..--selling $6
  4. Hi after last weekend's sales..i am left with this..Please consider these items.Thanks 1) Resun 9903 air pump with adjustable speed, 4.5l/min -- $10-- Brand new comes with a box and instructions..barely 2 mths old 2) Grade #1 marine sand -- approx 15kgs -- selling at $10 or less 3) Seachem Paraguard -- protects ur fish from ich -- 3/4 left -selling $6 4) Seachem MatrixCarbon -- 2/3 left -- $6 5) Seachem Paraguard --2/3 left --$6 6) Marine Flakes Formula 2 with 20% garlic -- almost full --$6 7) Aquapharm Calcium -- 3/4 left -- $6 8) Aquapharm Apetite stimulent -- almost full -- $6 9) Thermometer -###### - hydrometer dip stick -- $5 10)Azoo PSB bacteria --1/4 left-- $2 11) Azoo 11-in-1 super bacteria -- 1/2 left $2 12) AA air stone skimmer --$4 13) 2 ft strauss fl light with one tube -- $8 14) brandless powerhead with 1200l/hr in working cond --$5 12) Mysis shrimp and i tab on unopen brine shrimp plus one turbo snail and a 1/4 bottle of coral food FREE if purchase of more than 1 item stated above.. Please contact me at 92958791... Collection at sengkang on weekends Thanks for reading..
  5. FEW MORE ITEMS TO SELL..TAke a Look 1) Resun 9033 two outlet air pump 4.5l/min with adjustable flowrate-- less than 2 mths -- $10 2)Powerhead 1200l/hr (no brand) but in good werking condition-- $5 3)Strauss 2 ft fl single tube lighting set -- $8 4)Aquapharm marine micronutrient apetite stimulent--more than 3/4 left -- $6 5) Seachem ParaGuard -protect against ich and whitesports -- 3/4 left -- $8 6)Azoo 11-in-1 super bacteria -- $2 7)15kg of Grade #1 sand -- $10 8)Hydrometer -- $8 9)Dip in hydrometer-######-thermometer - $5 10)Digital thermometer -- $8 11)Algae scrub 8cm by 3cm -- $4 Danny : 92958791 Collect Sat 20/2/03 after 4pm and Sunday 21/2/03 at Sengkang
  6. STUFF REMAINING... 2) Resun 9033 two outlet air pump with adjustable rating 4.5l/min --less than 2 mths -- $10 3)Powerhead 1200l/hr -- $5 4)2 ft fl single tube lighting set -- $8 5)Aquapharm marine micronutrient apetite stimulent--more than 3/4 left -- $6 6) Seachem ParaGuard 3/4 left -- $8 7)Azoo 11-in-1 super bacteria --lessthan1/2 left-- $2 These are still available..Please Consider Danny : 92958791
  7. ok found out..Its grade 1 sand..about 15 kg..selling 10dlr..bought for 15 dlrs
  8. haha..not too sure of grade..cos i know nuts abt grading....i used it in my main tank....can use as top up for sump or add to dsb
  9. I also got dried flakesfood with added garlic..rarely use...not expired yet...bought at 8 selling 5....still almost full
  10. if nobody wants the sand then i use as decorative purpose lorr....bought it for 15 dlr....selling maybe at $10
  11. Hi there...I also have abt 15kg of marine sand...not too fine..but seabased sand...not sure how much to sell.....but if u want can neg...
  12. External Filter comes with self driven pump, rainbar, extra hose plus all the ceramic rings that you need... ParaGuard contains mala*** green that prevents whitespot and itch...
  13. Updates 1) Jebao 3015 canister filter with layers of ceramic rings and additional biohome bio glass --less than 2 mths no crack or chip -- $45 2) Resun 9033 two outlet air pump with adjustable rating 4.5l/min --less than 2 mths -- $10 3)Powerhead 1200l/hr -- $5 4)2 ft fl single tube lighting set -- $8 5)Aquapharm marine micronutrient apetite stimulent--more than 3/4 left -- $6 6) Seachem ParaGuard 3/4 left -- $8 7)Azoo 11-in-1 super bacteria -- $2 These are still available..Please Consider Danny : 92958791
  14. 1) Atman Cr-160-cirv chiller only one month have date purchased and box..still under warranty super quiet...good for 2-3 feet tanks, 1/4HP -- $300 fixed. -- RESERVED by chris
  15. im in a mist of some financial mishap and also time commitment...hope u guys understand
  16. 1) Atman Cr-160-cirv chiller only one month have date purchased and box..still under warranty super quiet...good for 2-3 feet tanks, 1/4HP -- $300 fixed. 2) Jebao 3015 canister filter with layers of ceramic rings and additional biohome bio glass --less than 2 mths no crack or chip -- $45 3) Resun 9033 two outlet air pump with adjustable output 4.5l/min --less than 2 mths -- $10 Do get back to me at 92958791..Danny..thanks
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