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I love angel

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Everything posted by I love angel

  1. I means popeye and cloudy eye does not kill the fishes immediately.
  2. Bacterial infection is a slow process. Normally, pop eye and cloudy eye does kill the fishes. It will cause the fish to loss appetite and stop eating. Do the fish develop skin ulcer and rot?
  3. what a bad service on starhub broadband ! always breakdown.

  4. Potter is a difficult fish to get it to feed. Most will die due to not eating. My record unfortunately is 100% failure. So cannot advise on what to do. Good luck.
  5. I cannot find anything on pinnochio tang from web. What is the common nane?
  6. Yes, be a responsible reefer, well say... I started this thread basically I want to see a different type of TOTQ instead of big reef tank been always the winner for the past TOTQ. And want to say that the FOWLR tanks also have the quality to become the TOTQ. I also hope to see NANO reef tank winner in the next few TOTQ to come as I have said it is more difficult to maintain the NANO reef tank than the 4 - 6ft reef tank. I hope others in the forum can also nominate his own or his friend tanks, not restricted by only big reef tank can be the only winner. Sizes of the tank and the number of fishes or corals in the tanks is not a concern but most important you must be a responsible keeper and love them as you love your children and take care of them as your children. Personnally I perfer to keep FOWLR tank due to the reason that I have already stated. Lastly, it is a freedom of speech, so let do not restrict on this. So no need to apology. Please continue to post any video of your nominations and your comments.
  7. Yes. The smount of bacteria depends on 1. The constant flow of loads, ammonia. It will adjust to maintain zero ammonia by either dieing or growing.provided (2) is met. 2. The amount of home for bacteria to grow. Home means media such as rocks, sands, filter media, etc To speed up the grow of bacteria, 1. Seed the new tank with old bacteria in a mature tank. Eg. Live rocks for lfs, dose bacteria, or get old and dry filter media. 2. Still need to put the source of ammonia regularly. That is why the instruction of the bottles of bacteria call the users to put at a certain days interval.
  8. Coral and fishes are living things. So basically they are the same. In fact I am more against coral. Why? First, you are breaking up the home of the fishes. Without home, the fishes will not grow in number easily. Second, the grow of coral are very slow, it takes many years to grow. The spawning of coral occurred I think once a year. As compared with fishes, it can grow very fast snd spawn many many times in a year with a good home/ corals around. Third, put many corals in a tank is also stress to the corals. So it is the same as fishes. Except fish shows it very obviously. No offence to everyone. It is food for thought.
  9. Thanks. Beside the FOWLR tank, I wish to see also the nano reef tank winner in the TOTQ. In fact, the smaller the reef tank, the more difficult to maintain as compared with the large reef tank.
  10. Yes, mostly likely SPS/LPS/Mixed reef tanks (size 5ft to 6ft tank). Try to push for more different types of winners for TOTQ. Rather than always big reef tank.
  11. It is always the reef tank (SPS or mixed reef tank) is the winner for the SRC tank of the Quarter. It is a time for change and time for a FOWLR tank to become the winner. I sugguest this two tanks by Sherman Chin. He have one angel tank with beautiful large angels and achilles tank with a few achilles tangs (XXL size) with Gem tang living together. Angel tank: http://youtu.be/DSok_FadHWs Achilles tang and Gem tang tank: I believe he is from Singapore. If he is in Singapore, he have the quality of TOQ, only TFC display tank are comparable to his tanks. He have my deam tanks. Mod, please do not disappoint the FOWLR lovers in the forum.
  12. Looking for 3 or 4 feet tank. Please kindly pm me if you let go one. Thanks.
  13. Look for the brand Dymax. They are located opposite of Ah Beng. They have some arifical corals. .
  14. The water looks cloudy. Is it due to bio-pellet? How long you are running bio-pellet?
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