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I love angel

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Everything posted by I love angel

  1. I suggest donot DIY unless you know what are you doing..... Don't play play with electricity!
  2. Nice tank. How many angels in the tanks? I saw two queen angels...
  3. Wow, how many type of angels in your tanks. Nice angel tank.
  4. Sometimes, it is the human that causes the fish to jump not the fish in the tank. Sudenly turn off the light, large noise, etc..... My butterfly fish jumps too.... casued by me ......
  5. Try this UP Aqua Pro Z Series LED Light is totally Energy Saving. 30cm 10.7W Marine Blue - $58 from our sponsor. Good product ...
  6. 1 ft tank is more difficult to keep water parimeter stable and are prone to disease easily. Need to qt the livestocks before putting into the tank. Very easily to wipe out all the fishes in the tank. Boxfish releases a poisonous substance, called ostracitoxin when the fish is stressed. So no adviseable to keep it in a small tank.
  7. In a new year, hope Gov not always ka-ching.. ka-ching so people will not cowboy father and cowboy mother. Hope everyone "kee chew".......
  8. It would be more interesting to see the video of your tank...... With so many nice and expensive fishes....
  9. There is the DB box that supplied to all the sockets and lighting in the house. There is incoming two DB switches that located at the electrial meter outside the house. There is also DB located at the incoming of the whole block power supplies. Normally, it will trip the DB box at your home. Sometimes it trips the incoming DB switches located at the electrical meter. The worst case is to trip the whole block. That is seldom happens. I have two Tesino pumps, one for the return pump , the other is the chiller pump. No problem at all.....
  10. Normally the circuit breaker will not burnt unless you turn it on by forcing the lever without disconnecting the faulty device. If there is a short circuit, the large current burns the breaker and trip the whole block of flat's incoming breaker. Need to call town council .... You should turn off all the switches so that no load is connected to the breaker, then turn on the breaker. One by one turn on the switches. If there is a problem, the breaker will trip and not burnt.
  11. I actually have a APC UPS about 300W or 500VA. I connected it to the return pump with a power rating of about 50W. Base on the website, it can power for about 1 hour only. So it cannot last the 8 hours. I am thinking of changing the connection to the wave maker which have lower power rating or to get a high power UPS. I donnot know the best practices and how long to last. I want the UPS to last for about 6 hours to be safe and that means I need to reconsider what is the equipment connected to the UPS and what UPS power rating to buy the next time when I have the budget to get. Any suggestions from someone used the UPS before and what equipment you connect.
  12. Hi Anyone used backup power supply to prevent power failure that kill all the live stock? What brand and model you used? What equipment you connect to the backup power supply? How long will it lasts during a power failure? Thanks for sharing.
  13. It shows that china products are improving in term of quality and performance ... Just looking at Tesino pump and now Jebao....
  14. I have used Paraguard before. It is almost reef safe, Dose it slowly every days and observe the coral and the fishes. Stop dosing once you see that the coral having too much stress and fishes start to recover. Sometimes, the coral will not open up during the treatment. It is ok. Once the medicine is removed, the coral will open up. Stop the skimmer as it will skim out the medicine. Once the fishes is recovered, turn on the skimmer, you will start to collect the medicine in the skimmer container and do water change too. The coral will start to recover. It is less effective as compared with copper. But if you are keeping coral and cannot catch the fishes out to the QT, it is one of the medicine to use.
  15. Somethings are not right this days...

  16. I donot see it on the website, will call them to check. Do you know the actual size of the o ring?
  17. Hi Where to buy O -ring for TLF Phosban 150? My one is leaking... Thanks
  18. one of the best reef tanks in the forum! VERY beautiful.
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