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    Anything to do with saltwater aquariums

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  1. Yeah bro! that's what killed it... any advice on how to prevent it? was beginning to think something was wrong with my tank..?
  2. both my clownfish died today ... tested water perimeter... all ok. probably because I didn't acclaim it well. I bought it 2days ago and today, it had white stuff and patches all over its body before it died..my peppermint shrimp however, is still doing good..
  3. Yup it's the starpet satellite breeder box I got it at c328 but the last one....but I saw still a few left at equaempire(opposite ah beng)... must hang on the side, And only the 1.2 l one fits the ofnano3:)
  4. My clown that I got from ah beng still isn't eating.. I assumed that its pallet trained when I bought it. didn't ask. I normally take a small pallet and rub them untill it's crushed but the clown still not eating for two days.. anyone knows why?
  5. Hey guys.... its been a very long while since i posted on this thread. I have since decom my whole tank due to it being overun with with hair algae and diatom and cyno. so, i decided to make the following changes this time round. aim: to maintain a simple nano with very low nitrates and phosphates levels. I am now only using 100% pure distilled water from ntuc for evap top-up and a 10% weekly water change. I have also removed all my sand and decided to go bare scape to prevent trapped nutrients. My tank has just completed its cycle 2 days ago. Salinity is at 1.24.... Inside the IOS there is only wool in one chamber and ceramic bio rings in the other. Have changed the stock LED to the EVO12 clip on 3Wled x 6. ( 4 white and two actinic blue.) Looks exactly the same as the beamswork ultra bright.. BUt its really bright.. like when i adjusted the angle of the led, it lighted up my room! filtration system is an IOS with 2 return pumps..... one is 480l/h flowing straight back into the DP and the other is about 150l/h(quite weak) flowing into a hang on side fuge. Just added the chaetos onto the fuge today. The fuge is a bit of a concern because the flow inside the fuge is ok... the chaeto ball seems to be moving around slowly and "tumbling" but the flow back into the tank is more like a small stream. I have difficulty increasing the flow due to the tight space in the ios for a bigger pump. Theres also a 3w led spotlight shining directly at the fuge.... dunno what colour temperature but recommended by ah beng for chaetos..should be less than 10000k ( slight warm yellowish tinge) How long should i switch on this led a day ? ? anyone? side view of the tank. Tank currently only have one tiny normal clwonfish and one rather large peppermint shrimp...gonna be stocking up slowly. still looks very bare gonna add zoas, and gonio. I would really like a RBTA or any other anemone if i can figure out how to get rid of the wavemaker while keeping a moderate flow. hope to keep you guys updated...comments are welcome:)
  6. Thanks will check it out! I just got a 3wad led spotlight-shaped clip on recommended for chaeto from ah beng just now.. cost me two red notes
  7. hey can whatsapp me at 83833099 for the pic and specs? might be interested. thanks:)
  8. Anyone knows where I can get small clip on led with temperature at about 6000k? any products out there? keeping them in a small 1.2L hob fuge..
  9. are those live rocks..? What is the length and width dimension?
  10. I think better if you buy the tank and DIY the ios
  11. Abit confused.. Cos some say colour temperature above 10000k (cool white light) is better for chaetos... others say 6000k warm/yellowish light better. so which is it? I went to irwana and got chaeto, they are using a warm light definitely below 10000k in their sump for chaetos. Please advise:)
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