For fun I measure the seawater at low tide and at high tide for nitrates, it's 2.5ppm and 0.2ppm respectively. Use at ur own risk. Just to gauge the nitrates in the sea. Cheers
Copepods yeah...SMS 98771487, limited to first come first serve basis. 2 bags to clear at $6 each. Self collection at punggol.
Pls SMS nick, and size of bag and how many.
When asking for seahorse friendly fishes for example, they say this friendly that friend... Next I find my seahorse missing eyes or horses getting caught in some live coral as if coral eating the poor fellow.... Hiaz... Then all they can say is freak accident and laugh
I buy kuda seahorse and always die after a week, and I follow shops advise to the T . Each seahorse 35 bucks bought total 10. Some shops advise maybe deliberately only can last awhile, so you will buy more next trip.