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Everything posted by DottyClown

  1. There are several ways to help clear algae on sandbed, For example, you could aim your wavemaker/powerhead lower, to increase water movement at bottom level, while not creating a sandstorm. And/or get some livestocks that helps shifts the sand, like Hermit Crabs and Diamond Goby. But before that, establish what type of algae you are dealing with and find out the likely cause(s) for your algae bloom.
  2. Can't really confirm from your photo. Try to get a closer pic. But it looks like a Stometalla Snail, which is a good snail. Algae eater.
  3. Tks, though would prefer shrimps with a proven "track record". Because heard that new shrimps are a hit or miss on eating aiptasia.
  4. Anyone letting go of peppermint shrimps that have already cleared the aiptasia in your tank? Please PM me, thanks.
  5. Was told this is Apple Candy Pink Zoas. Is it? It looks purple, how can called pink?
  6. Frag C @ $20 Collection at Bukit Merah Area after 6.30pm weekdays.
  7. My first time selling frags. WYSIWYG. Do note there are some algae on couple of plugs. Frag A @ $15 This frag had 4 heads 2 weeks ago. Now can see 2 more popping up.
  8. Hi, Golden Glove available? I can collect this afternoon.
  9. No cabinet. Mine is just a 2ft x 1.5ft tank with IOS having 4 chambers. 1st chamber contains net-bags of bio-rings and biosphere. 2nd chamber I put my skimmer. 3rd chamber houses a "pumpless nano-reactor" which I DIY, and contains a small amount of rowaphos and rowacarbon. 4th chamber is the return pump and ATO. Chaeto is placed inside the display tank itself.
  10. I used a HOB Filter DIY into a Refugium in my previous tank. For current tank, I put the Chaeto into a containment and placed inside the tank. DIY the containment from acrylic plate. Problem with this method is strands of Chaeto may get loose and float inside the tank.
  11. Hi, anyone has few pieces of small size live/dead rocks to let go? If so, please do PM me, thanks and appreciate it.
  12. Glad to hear that all seems stable now. Jiayou Actually for nano tank, weekly wc and controlled feeding should keep PO in balance. I'm also keeping a nano tank. But I kiasu, so I'm using biosphere, rowasphos, rowacarbon and chaeto, haha.
  13. Yes, these comments are of good will. Have fun reefing:)
  14. Bro, I don't mean to be rude, but I will talk straight. Please don't be offended, but I think you are doing everything wrong. You are not cycling your tank, instead am changing water every week. So your bacteria has no chance to grow at all. You are getting low ammonia , NO2, NO3 reading, is because of your water change. Not because the tank has finished cycling. You added too much fishes at a time, and you chose fishes (tangs & butterflies) not suitable for 1.5ft tank size. Not surprised the copperbands died, but surprised that tang has not come down with ICH yet. You tank seems to be going through a diatom bloom now (or cyno, I do not know). Would highly suggest you ask your friend to adopt the fishes for now (or sell them), while your tank goes through it proper cycle. In the meantime, you can find a lot of useful info in this SRC site. And seek advise from friendly reefers here. Cheers
  15. Can try using an isolation box, like the one below from Gemsurf, to trap it. If it is a greedy pig, use food to lure. If wrasse is chasing other fishes, then put a mirror inside to attract it to "attack" the reflection. Attach a line to the door, so when you release the line, the door drops down to close. Good luck fishing. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/monthly_07_2012/post-20006-0-12954100-1341854283.jpg
  16. But $15 for 1cm size, that's ex isn't it? So is it really pulsing?
  17. Got Chaeto from a super nice reefer:) Thanks again Thomas! Also thanks to Kelvinnano for his offer too:)
  18. Sadly could not fit kind reefers schedule. So still looking for Chaeto.
  19. If your fishes are still small sized and you suspect the TDO pellets are too big for them, simply crush some into smaller size and feed. If they swallow, then all is well. Continue feeding crushed pellets until they grow bigger to handle the normal size pellets. That's what I did for my fishes.
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