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Everything posted by GE8

  1. Kenyee the par38 and holder I got it from tht79
  2. Live stock AT Blue tang Yellow tang Tail spot Benny Algae Benny 3 chromis 2 clown Pink wrasse Yellow wrasse Green wrasse And 1 more wrasse dont know the name Cleaner shrimp
  3. Thank kakani, kelvin81 and tht79
  4. I got a reef octopus skimmer, a filter sock for overflow and some cheato in the 1st partition.. 2nd partition got some sand and live rock and a DIY bio pellet reactor. 3rd partition is for the return ,chiller and rowa pump
  5. Ya very messy.... Will try to hide all those thing
  6. using evergrow led 120w and 4 par 38
  7. Started this hobby last year.. my FTS
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