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Everything posted by fishgills

  1. Hi, if you have no tangs in your tank a nice peice of Calurpa like grape or blade or chaetomorpha will reduce nitrates it feeds off it, plus its colorful, if you have tangs you'll be fine with the chaetomorpha tangs don't eat it, hope this helps, and a good skimmer will help to.
  2. Hi to all in Singapore, i'm from the florida usa, you guys have a great site hoping to be posting more, i just got a pair of Sri-Lanka Anthias was wondering if anyone out there has these fish, i got mine eating frozen food, i have a 75 gallon reef with a 29 gallon ecosystem, here's a picture of my tank.
  3. All i want to say the company is the best for power compact bulbs and MH, there prices are unbeatable, 17 bucks for 55 watt pc's, and there service is the best, when they say the bulbs will be at your house, you can bet it will be there, jim is the man, www.petsupplyliquidator.com 916-381-3551, thanks, once again my tank is the brightest its ever been. I'm new here i have a 75 gallon tank with a 29 gallon ecosystem, i have 330 watts of power compacts six 55 watt bulbs, i have nothing to do with this company i'm just a very satisfied customer, thought i pass the saving on to my fellow reefers. there in the USA.
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