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  1. beautiful tank. i wish i could color up my sps like you could.
  2. NIcely done. Im thinking about doing it the same way being that I have a rimless tank. Bro, did you use acrylic for the frame? can you share how was it done? how did you fix the net to the frame? by the way, i also ordered from the same seller in the US.
  3. +1 on the alk. check your alk if it is low. correct it then you should be able to increase Mg.
  4. Thanks for your reply. Since your previous tubes were combination of ATI and Giesemann, I cannot relate when you say that the Pacific Sun looks bluer. But would you be able to say the the Crystal Blue is bluer that the ATO Blue Plus? Thanks and best regards. "When compare with my previous combinations of ati n giesemann tubes of similar colour spectrum, IMO Pacific Sun look a little more bluish while PAR wise, I can't comment bcos of new n old tubes (6 are new n 2 are 4 mths old). Your current tube combination was my best option, however u can try replacing actinic with pigment INT ( ati purple +)."
  5. very nice tank. if you don't mind, how do you compare it to your previous tubes PAR and color rendition wise? what tube combination would you suggest for a 4 t5 ati powermodule hybrid? my current tubes are 2 blue+. coral+ and actinic. im looking for better color on my corals. im thinking about trying pac sun this time.
  6. I gave up LED for an ATI Power module hybrid and improvements in growth and color is immediate.
  7. I tried ATM Outbreak and could say that it's a total waste of money. I have used up 3 bottles (i still have one bottle remaining) and never saw any changes/improvement in my tank i.e., slow down of algae film build up in glass, less detritus build up, etc. in fact i have noticed the opposite. Plus, as per dosing instructions in the bottle, you need to use a lot of this stuff as compared to other bacteria products that only require a few drops per day or an ampoule every 15 days. I would say Outbreak is all hype.
  8. just to add to what bombom has said, it is natural for angels to nip on anything, rubble, rock, coral base, etc. even if they are fed very well they will still nip. what you suggested to do sounds like a good idea and may save you from difficulty of catching the flame in case it turns out to show a liking to your sps and zoas. good luck.
  9. i keep an SPS dominated tank and i have kept a flame for more than a year already. i got it as a juvi and at the start, i sometimes see it nipping some of my sps during the time my tank and corals were not doing well (STN) but shortly and eventually he behaved after i managed to get my tank stable and my SPS back to good health. i read somewhere that flame angels tend to nip on coral/SPS tissues that are not healthy and i tend to believe that due to my experience. by the way, my tank is 5 x 2 x 2 and i would say that my taking the risk of adding it to my tank paid off.
  10. Hi, the surest, cheapest and fastest way to reduce your phosphate is by using lanthanum chloride together with using a 10 micron filter sock. Search the net for the proper dilution to water. If indeed your rocks are leaching PO4, it would take some time to rid it of po4. Good luck.
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