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Everything posted by hydrox78

  1. interesting there. what LED lens are you using? 80-90? And what led emitter are you using? What coral are you keeping?
  2. Am keeping LPS and tangs now. Looking to add in 1-2 clams. I know they love strong lights. But what are the other basic elements needed to keep them in good shape? Any special dose that i need to look into? As i do water change everyweek. (10%) Hoping for some advise.
  3. when they expand mean they are reaching for light and food.
  4. How big is your crab? i have crab that live in my rocks also, but they do not injure my tangs. Only once when my clown fish seen weak and die , and they come eat their fresh. I had hermit crab also in my tank, they eat all the unwanted or left over.
  5. Be careful when buying LED light for SPS setup. Do more research. i read many articles on Aquarium LED and most lack of PUR value.
  6. anyone who to trade? Have a yellow shoulder tang for 6 month, pellet feeding.
  7. yes CF is very expensive! ( in my view) been there 3 times, always empty handed.
  8. what lights are you using to house the Anemone? i think strong lighting is one major factor in keeping them healthy
  9. what price range is the compressor type for a 800L tank?
  10. the more evaporation the higher then salinity. Can top up some distilled water for the water that is lost through evaporation.
  11. using vodka method can pose high risk - cyano problems. I have done it , yes it did reduce my nitrate problem but later now i got cyano problems
  12. go for the new ones, more over these days, chillers are getting more affordable (china brand)
  13. Looking for mangrove plant . anyone have ?
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