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  1. Can't imagine the cost of the equipments XD
  2. Yea bro.. been looking for yasha for months already. Also left my contact with ahbeng waiting for them to call if have
  3. Anyone spotted any yasha gobies? Been looking for months. Always reach lfs already outta stock lol
  4. Sure, why not? Play with the modes to have random flows which many corals would like =) Seen many put on each end to create turbulence wave effects.
  5. Nice write up bro! The scape is beautiful too. Think u can add one more wp25 each on both ends using w1 with s1-2. Thumbs up!
  6. Swee lah bro and the pellet feeding queen!! The montis from you are doing great =)
  7. Seems like 2 in 1. Damn cool stuff!
  8. Nice and neat setup bro. What fishes are you intending to put?
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