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Everything posted by Gideon

  1. it's bare-bottom, At first it is not. I slowly removed all the sand.
  2. i give them seaweed to eat. they love it . It will be more healthy for them to eat seaweed. Brand : Two Little Fishies Sea Veggies. http://www.twolittlefishies.com/tlf_prod_foods.html?lang_id=1 You can get it at LFS.
  3. HI Bros, Usually how you wash the Filter bag? Using the tank water , DO/DI water or tap water ?
  4. Any strong algae smell from the box ?
  5. Hi friends, Did anyone know what is the name of this anemone? thank you very much !!
  6. I have DIY a Algae Turf Scrubber. It really work. I am so happy that my headache are gone and i started to enjoy my tank instead of "fire fight" for NO3 and PO4 everyday. My NO3 from 50ppm to 3-5ppm and i started to keep some corals in my tank too. hahaha.. but the algae grow on the sump tank 's glass instead of the screen. Weird...... haha....
  7. Hi friends, i have tried using "Sugar Method" on my tank but it did not really help much for long term. I DIY and using Filter Screen as in Algae Turf Scrubber now. My NO3 had dropped from 50ppm to btw3-5pm.
  8. I have been dosed for about 2mths and my tank's water is very clean now. All my headaches are gone. Thank you very much mengyang_neo for intro this Poylab product.
  9. Thought of getting one. anyone had bought it and kind to leave a review on the product ? Thank you very much
  10. Good News !!!! Finally the algae appeared. not many but i can see there is some algae. When the algae grow more and show your guys. Look forward the NO3 and PO4 drop .
  11. After 3 days. Nothing come out... ... ........... Did anyone know what is the reason behind for some tanks, the algae grow less than 2 days. but some tank need to take longer time ??
  12. Did anyone use aquaripure nitrate filter before? Sound like very good, no idea where can I get this in Singapore.
  13. I have a Lionfish. Feeding him "Live Fresh water guppy" But i heard it is not healthy for marine fish to eat fresh water fish, is it ture? Any cheap marine fish i can buy to feed my lionfish? thank you very much
  14. Hi, saw this silver fish in one of the marine tank (U.S.) in youtube video called " Lookdown". just want to know anyone have this fish in their tank and where can i get one of these fishes in singapore.
  15. Thanks MengYang for sharing. After read the post, i decided to give a try too. i had been fighting with NO3 and PO4 since picked up the hobby.
  16. No idea is the algae filter screen really work or not ? No Skimmer and nothing in the sump, just the algae filter ? nitrate and phosphate are zero ? Really need help and comment.
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