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Everything posted by Gideon

  1. Hi firends, i am interested to get a clam, but didnt know where can i get a clam which can grow very very big and live very long, and the name of the clam. i saw a very big clam display at madpetz. Thanks
  2. Very nice big tank !!! Thank you so much for posting your setup step by step. Its a good reference for the beginner.
  3. Hi , I have a 3ft marine tank, and enjoy the hobby so much that i went to learn diving. While in the ocean there are so many beautiful fishes and corals. em.... but when we dive, we cannot take and catch any fishes and corals from the sea, as to protect the fishes and corals. em... question raised in my mind. then where did the LFS get there fishes and corals? Any control and rule or law they need to follow to protect our beautiful ocean ? As keeping marine fish is not a easy hobby to pick up at the beginning, fishes and corals may die ( personally, i have a few fishes and corals dead on my hands. Until now, i am still a marina fish keeper. Like to buy new corals and fishes for my tank. hope any one give any comments on my topic.
  4. Condition 9/10 reason of sale, at first i have 2 marine tank, one at the living for corals and one in my room (Fishes only). Due to the space problem in my room, now only have 1 tank in the living room. so i have one extra skimmer now. Pm me if interested.
  5. i have one deltec mce 300 to let go, are you still interested ?
  6. HI Bro, Possible to photo you sump tank? interested to know hows the sump set up. thanks.
  7. hahaha.. agree. lot of man hours. you need to put your heart on the tank. If you love it , you will not mind how many hrs and money you spend on this hobby. You will enjoy the corals and fishes in your tank growing bigger and healthy.
  8. May be u can give a try at Madpetz. they sell separately.
  9. is it ture that you cant leave the Ca monitor in the tank ( To monitor 24 Hrs )? when you need to test then take out and dip in the tank.
  10. wow.. this fish is big. i saw him in Marine life park, Resorts World Sentosa. let me know, if any Bros saw this fish at LFS.Thank you very much
  11. My Lion fish eaten by the hermit crab.....
  12. Hi Johnson, CongratuIation !! Dont mind asking you a question, as i am new in this hobby. Saw you have a dosing pump for control the CA,MG & DKH but what is the reason behind to have a Calcium Reactor as it also control the CA too. Thank you very much.
  13. Hi bros, Thought of buying the PINPOINT® II Calcium Monitor and PINPOINT® Nitrate Monitor. Anyone have it and feel free to share, and where can i get this two equipments in the LFS. Thank you very much
  14. i bought mine at Madpetz.
  15. Wow.. Thats look bad hope it can be recover.
  16. i guess, mostly are working aduit here. haha...need lot of M power to keep this hobby .
  17. em.... my Anthias keep playing with the sand, and make the water not clear. Beside, there are some alage grow on the sand. my friends say the sand need to use the pump to clean once a mth while i change the water Feel abit troublesome, so decided to make a bare-bottom.
  18. haha.. sure sure, will post more close up corals picture.
  19. The one on top of the elegance, it is called Christmas tress coral http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+600+639&pcatid=639
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