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anniechua last won the day on October 18 2012

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  1. Hi bro John, I will. Thanks. I'm often at ML and Jireh, enjoying their LS. Hi bro Mokyc, i'm using iphone. Hope to see your marine world too. I believe everyone tank is beautiful as long as they put in effort and love their LS. The LS will be able to feel the love and attention given to them and feel happy about it.
  2. Hi bro stevenkoh08, thanks for your advice. I will try my best to take good care of them. As for my fishes, most of them are pellet trained. My fishes and corals are from both ML & Jireh.
  3. Thanks for all the valuable advise and support given. I have learnt a lot through SG Reef too. Following is my reply to some question being asked: - My tank do not have a chiller. - Just curious that was it you who requested the tank base and Styrofoam to be exposed? - Yes Any reason? - As a mean of protection and to create a 'visual effect' of bigger tank (else my 2 feet tank will look small with frame on top and bottom)
  4. Thanks for all the comments, feedbacks and supports. Special thanks to Jireh Marine and Marine Life for their healthy fishes, corals, and food that my fishes and corals love. We would try our best to let them live happily in our tank.
  5. Me and my brother have been wanting to own marine tank. Due to the cost and lack of experience, we have been pushing this ideal for many years till May this year, we come across Jireh Marine. Thanks to them, we have started our marine tank of 24"x18"x18" with their quick start system and experience advise in June 2012.
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