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Marvin Wang

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Everything posted by Marvin Wang

  1. Dear all urgently need help with the Reef octopus OCTX-200. The skimmer had broken down and need to find the following spare part. Any one know where i can get these or the whole motor? I believe its using a sicce psk 2500. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/105780433/2013-09-28%2023.28.34.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/105780433/2013-09-28%2023.28.42.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/105780433/2013-09-28%2023.28.50.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/105780433/2013-09-28%2023.28.58.jpg Thanks in advance.
  2. haha not so soon not so soon, still kinda exe and must look out for shipment. But very tempting haha
  3. Anyone know if the ruby-red-dragonet can be mixed with Mandarins in the same tank ? Will both males fight ?
  4. Pump -> Inlet of chiller -> fludiser ---> Sump
  5. if im not wrong i got one of this from ah beng a few mths back, though it dint survive its journey down the sump ....
  6. Any one tried keeping royal gamma with sexy shrimp before ? wanna get one for my tank but i have a school of sexy shrimp in it as well. Searched Google and was told that they might not be that safe with sexy shrimp. Any bro with any experience with keeping royal gamma with sexy shrimp ?
  7. Hi, anyone come across red streak on your yellow tang, My yellow tang is have this red streak near the fins and little red blotches on its body. Did water change few days back but the red steaks are still there. Everything has pretty much been the same just that i started feeding frozen brine shrimp ? i doubt that is the cause right? Any one has any cure for it ?
  8. haha unfortunately it does, so gotta be careful abt that when turning off the pump if not the pellets will get suck into the pump of get stuck in the tubes.
  9. think might be the outlet L pipe ? anyway i just broke the bottom plate . Wanted to shift it higher but it was so glue to the pipe... then piak ...... but now its tumbling.
  10. Hi bro, as attached Already tried drilling bigger holes on the bottom plate but still not tumbling and need to be shaken once in a while
  11. using NP reducing Biopellets, brought them from AM. think theres only one size right ?
  12. Hi, anyone have any experience with the above mentioned bio pllets reactor? Brought it from C328 and using it with eheim 1250 Pump but somehow the pellets doesn't seems to be tumbling. Tumber very slowly and some time the pellets clumps together.
  13. Hmm, i use a eheim 1250 pump with it.
  14. hmm, opened up the light set an hour ago. Yeah dun think there is a starter (the round round thing right?) or ballast in its. the whole light set is so compact, seems to be connected by just wires only.
  15. flow rate is 5000l/hr. collection is at kembangan or anywhere east.
  16. Want to trade used Sun Sun JVP-102 wavemaker for JVP - 101 or 100. Open to trade for any other wavemaker between 2000-3000L/hr. Wave maker has been used for slightly more then a mth. Or for sale one brand new JVP-102 for $20
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