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Everything posted by qingwen

  1. Green Element 3ft EVO36 LED Lightset 24 X 3W 6500K LEDs Used 3mths $170 Eheim SubstratPro 2.5L Brand New $50 1.5ft 5plan Tank 1.5X1X1ft Used 1mth+ $10 Contact me at Collection near 787113, please ask for exact location.
  2. Brand New Seachem Stability 500ml - $8 Contact me at
  3. sold, sorry to the other bro who expressed interest.
  4. Tubby Auto Top Off - $25 Similar in function to the JBJ ATO. SMS to for details
  5. time to modify used N95 to put inside the chiller /:
  6. still going strong! more updates soon please!
  7. will using epoxy be safe? or would silicon bet better?
  8. Need alot of research and sourcing for materials in singapore before it becomes worth it.. if getting the materials off the shelf, effort + cost + risk = brand new off-the-shelf LED set...
  9. qingwen

    Led Lens

    try ordering them from ebay, they do sell in small quantities.
  10. you can try art friend, saw some that day that people use for cross stitch, but is plastic. comes in black white and translucent.
  11. if possible, just add another light? or buy a suitable set and sell away the current set. sold as is lightsets are usually more difficult to diy and make changes to it.
  12. Nice DIY. seems to need quite some technical knowledge to do so.. thanks for the instruction.
  13. nice and greath sense of depth! like that it feels very clean, simple and nice!
  14. does it ship together with a liquid box?
  15. nice and clean look! reminds me of the ADA aquasky.. will be good if the base is wider though.. will not want my led to tip and fall into the tank if i accidentally knock it..
  16. well, great scapes comes with both patience and experience.. more of the patience though..
  17. seems like more and more people doing DIY cabinets. if we're able to get precut stuff, then maybe maybe of us wont mind spending 1 or 2 weekends making one ourselves..
  18. It's better not to use it as i might overflow. is there any missing part? check out for a missing oring. of is the pressure difference too great such that water keeps leaking out?
  19. time to go snorkelling in singapore~
  20. qingwen

    Bar clamps

    most hardwareshops do sell it. i frequent the ones in clementi, neatby c328.
  21. risky.. look into doing a diy overflow.. i'm trying it out as well
  22. why specifically that model? i'm sure others will do a good job as well..
  23. artfriend has it. but depends on how large a size you want too.
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