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Everything posted by kenyee

  1. I believe reefing is a personal hobby..one must really enjoy admiring n looking at his/her tank, committed to maintain n upkeep the husbandry of the tank..to have ppl envy or not is extra as ppl have different views n perspectives.."one man's meat is another man's poison", "beauty lie in the eyes of the beholder"..to successfully keep a marine tank running really need a lot of vitamin M, not forgetting vitamin L oso..L?..LUCK..haha.. Cheers n happy reefing..
  2. CSI..interesting..all can b prime suspect..all fish r difference although they r the same breed..
  3. Bro, any pics of ur tank now?..imho, corals or anemone..reason being anemone like to move ard n corals might get disturb..cheers n happy reefing..
  4. Understand ur point bro..ur tank still consider new thus explain the emptiness..AM's DTs scaping r more 3D with open caves n bridges, got high n low..different perspective though..cheers I think that 2 x 5000lph return pumps are underpowered for ur 7 by 2.5 by 2.5 tank..factor in the head loss, the return flow will b weak n the turn over will b less..ur DT volume is ard 1180L, 10000lph is less than 10x..rem haven factor in head loss yet..cheers n happy reefing
  5. Bro nice video..healthy fishes n corals..very vibrant colour..imho, I would prefer reef scaping look to be like AM's DTs though.. Side note, the overflow sound is indeed loud..look like ah Beng's DT overflow style..dunnoe issit good as in better gas exchange anot coz I prefer durso pipe.. Check what's ur return pump?..notice the return pipe is a black Y-joint output..note that the small opening restrict water volume being pump up thus reducing the turn over volume.. Cheers
  6. Vitamin M can solve all this problem..the problem now is not enough vitamin M..haha..continue to dream..haha
  7. Thats sad..look like if got the money, go buy a faraway island n cultivate it to become like Sipadan island like that..damn crystal clear water with damn beautiful coral reefs n fishes..its my dream..
  8. Change of interest No.1..follow by vitamin M..time n commitment can b bought by vitamin M..with vitamin M, u can engage professionals to maintain ur tank..easy..haha
  9. U have got a nice tank bro..nitrate 0 since day 1 no wc for 2mth is impressive..u using rodi water, biosphere, bioPellet, cheato, etc?..cheers
  10. Ok haha bro..nice reef tank nice corals nice fishes..u got test ur nitrate level?..
  11. Bro, any update of ur 2mth+ reef tank?..cheers
  12. Wow bro..a huge tank to house that much fishes n corals..any video of ur tank to share with us?..bro, 2 mth no wc mean u haven wc since day 1 after setting up?..cheers
  13. Wow bro..steady la 2 mth no wc..u must have got low bio load I think..less wc mean less salt used..indeed low maintenance cost..thumbs up
  14. Reactor collected by a friendly Reefer.. foc stuffs fcfs..left with tank n bio balls..rocks pending collection tonight..
  15. Hi all, selling the reactor n ard 225g of NP reducing bioPellet @ $70..bought at madpetz ard a year ago.. http://www.madpetz.com.sg//index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=&products_id=587 Wtg the following stuffs: 1. 3ft tank 2. Dry rocks (big n small) 3. A bag of bioballs Note that foc stuffs are FCFS.. Location is Woodlands crescent Blk788E Contact Ken @ 90235882 Cheers n thanks for reading
  16. Shd b Supreme Aquarium ( T95)Lot T95, Seletar West Farmway 1 ..wow! xxxxL = how many inch?
  17. Bro, just to clarify..longer than the length of iphone5 mean more than 5" right?..thks
  18. Nice wrasse..great addition for big tank given their gigantic size..wonder what's the price like?
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