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Everything posted by kenyee

  1. I was told b4 that red patches on YT is because of poor water condition..will recover if still feeding well & water condition not worsen..cheers & happy reefing
  2. U got to try on ur fishes then will know..try to feed different pellets..mix n feed.. happy feeding
  3. Death?..can see lesser fishes in the last video..fishes sold or?..all the best bro..
  4. I think this question shd ask the tank maker better..my tank from AA is 5ft by 2.5ft by 2ft and got 3 pillars at the back & 2 pillars at the front only..good n can support..cheers
  5. Bro, nice reef tank with angels..its not easy n all boil down to luck yea..wish u good luck..
  6. Ok dun see the need to run 2 skimmers..waste electricity,produce more heat,need to clean 1 more skimmer..as for the filter sock, avoid the mouth of the sock from protruding out of the tank..u won't know when water might overflow out..btw, can share what return pump u using?
  7. Nice rimless reef tank..r u running 2 skimmers? :-) Something to note, ur filter sock got no holder n it too high up beyond ur sump tank height. water might overflow out if the filter sock get choked. Go diy a cover to cover the filter sock as there is water mist when water & air flow down.. Cheers and happy reefing
  8. Blue tang, sohal tang, Achilles tang, clown tang, etc..try to Mix n match the colours of ur tank.. If u like blue, blue tang is the best.. Cheers & happy reefing..
  9. Bro, u selling the MI with long streamer 1?
  10. I dun think any structural engineer here can help in accessing if its safe anot unless he/she is the engineer for ur condo plus knowing all the details of materials used, etc & do calculations.. I believe no one will want to put his/her head on the chopping board by approving this as the weight is too much and can't imagine ur floor give way.. not to pour cold water, such tank I feel is more for landed house.. Anyway, still hope u can get ur condo management approval to construct such an impressive tank in ur house.. Camping here for more update yea..cheers & happy reefing
  11. It will b an impressive setup..strong pumps, wavemakers, lights, chiller, etc are needed..everything must b strong :-) .. require very thick glass or acrylic too.. Legal or not must check..hdb sure buay pass..do factor in the weight danger on the floor too yea..cheers & happy reefing..
  12. Saw a few small yellow wrasse ard 4-6cm at ah Beng today ard 530pm..many assorted wrasses there oso..too many till can't identify n name them..can't find my moon wrasse though..
  13. Maybe u can try fishing at changi area..my colleague hook up a small white tip shark ard 40cm b4..keeping it alive is another issue..cheers
  14. Good luck in ur finding..
  15. Think I saw small juv goldflake angel @ ah Beng ard 1pm+.. Many flame angels in the front tub..front oso got many midas blenny..inside got assorted tangs & angels, namely a few like sohal, convict, blue, purple, naso, emperor, Blueface, Lamarck, regal, etc..
  16. Can see that u love him very much..very well detailed info by u..hope he will recover well in a nice home..
  17. I recommend Love diving Phuket..google it to find out more.. enjoy ur dives..
  18. Luck..although there is some guides that might b of some help: 1) smaller to bigger 2) introduce all/2-3 together at the same time 3) rescape 4) feed well b4 introduce 5) introduce at night w/o light 6) use beta box to acclimate new fish 7) more expensive fish 1st etc... usually the size if different by more than 2", they won't bother..but note that yellow, purple, brown, black tang r more aggressive towards each other..my experience with powder blue tang is also very aggressive..some r not though..wish all lucky lucky :-) Cheers & happy reefing
  19. Great gesture again bro..salutes for giving..
  20. Wow..unbelievable..great gesture really..salutes
  21. Bro, u have got a shallow sand bed..wonder how u can maintain a nice sand bed without some area being blown off..cant really see ur wavemakers position, can share?
  22. Steady la bro..one month old but look like a very matured tank..thumbs up how often is ur wc? U have got a high bioload..
  23. Nice angels u have got..care to share how long u have been keeping them?
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