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Everything posted by kenyee

  1. Wonder what mode most users here set theirs..care to share? Thanks
  2. Purpose for air?..high aeration of water surface help alot too..
  3. Imho, having a QT is good..but proper QT take 6-8 weeks in order to eradicate ich..so best is to have a big QT with copper treatment, reason being can QT more fishes at one time.. If not I wanna how long it will take to fill up ur big tank with fishes..worst case is if suddenly ich were to visit ur DT, its either dose copper or hypo or remove all fishes n run fallow..only the later can save the refugium..for FOWLR, refugium not feasible..overkill skimmer, many bio-media, regular wc n dose cupramine if necessary will suffice..cheers
  4. Hi all, have a working fine jebao wp40 that's just decomm its one year great service for my DT..looking to trade for smaller jebao WM to place in my sump, eg. Wp10, rw4,etc.. Any one interested can WA me @ 90235882 (Ken)..thanks for reading
  5. day 1 using the maxspect gyre generator XF-150..mode set at gyre alternating 80% normal water flow 40% reverse water flow every 5 min..position placed @ 3" below water surface..placing it lower can lift up more detritus on the tank bottom..no noise..fishes seem to b active.. Any user experience sometimes the controller will b flashing red light, change mode will b back to normal? Can't seem to find the trouble shooting guide..
  6. Depend on how much u treasure ur fishes..as for FOWLR, usually will go for stronger flow as to not let the poo stagnent at one place..but do u want ur fishes to keep fighting strong current? If budget can get jebao wavemaker..cheap & many modes to play around..
  7. My POV is continue ur dosing of trace element & micro bacteria regime even on copper treatment, like u do regular wc too..copper will kill some bacteria, so dose to replenish..trace element will deplete to time so need to replenish too..if u think its a waste to dose, do regular massive wc with copper dosed..
  8. Bro, do u know where they hang out at night? If they r not hiding inside LR & sleep, then will b easier..late into the night, on ur light..they will b blind for awhile..u can then net them..this depend on ur tank size & scaping to determine successful rate..anyway good luck to u
  9. Hope ur emperor can pull the QT process..must faster make him eat back if not good luck yea..the most impt thing for survival is food n do monitor does he poo anot..Any pic of ur QT & emperor?..if fish like to stay at the water surface or at a corner, mean he's stress in some way..fish shd b swimming ard more instead of staying at one spot..wish u all the best
  10. Look like stress if once eat pellet & suddenly dun eat..shd water quality no good and/or got problem..QT usually have this type of issue as its not like main tank with equipments & cycling process
  11. Wow..think this is the fastest change upgrade..camping here for update..do put more bio-media for a start..
  12. Imho, to have a successful FOWLR required regular wc like 40-50% bi-weekly unless u only keeping a few fishes only and/or fishes growth compromised..to start a FOWLR, get more bio media house in sump n a oversized skimmer..to top up can put algone, biosphere, run UV, etc..
  13. I have read that for the marinepure 8" x 8" x 4" block with proper placement can house anaerobic bacteria..I believe for LR oso able to..
  14. As far as I have read about bacteria, there's different types of bacteria house in different parts of a LR or bio-media..ie. Fast & slow water flow areas houses different bacteria..correct me if I m wrong
  15. There must bacteria in the 1st place to start with..ie. Use NSW, dose bacteria, mix dead rock with live rock, etc.. ammonia is needed to multiply the bacteria then..bacteria needed surface area to house, so the more holes on the LR the better..
  16. Look like pm for price is against the rules of SRC..pls state $..
  17. For filter wool, can buy at ah Beng, $5 a pack..a big piece thus need to cut to ur size yourself..
  18. TFC = The Fish Channel AM = Aquamarin LCK 201 = New Trio Fisheries
  19. Sharing my experience thus far.. TFC ok to feed..ask AM ok to feed..ask LCK 201 ok to feed..ask Ah Beng u can ask them..depend on when the fish arrived, which tank the fish is put, what fish.. If u r free to feed, note that u try feed a bit (2-5 pellets) n monitor..do not throw too many as u just want to see if the fish feed, not pumping it fat for the LFS..I usually throw 1 pellet try upon given the green light.. Note that a fish feed in LFS doesn't mean it will feed in ur tank..the water & community might cause a stress & it will not feed..but a feeding fish in LFS is better than not feeding at all..if the fish peck at the glass is also a good sign of a feeding fish..after u purchase, the fish's future lie in ur care & luck liao.. cheers
  20. Good gesture bro..I might come down see look see look..ok for that?
  21. Agreed bro..luck play a factor in everything..wish all lucky lucky
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