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Everything posted by kenyee

  1. Nice review bro..I m a happy user of the maxspect gyre XF-150..the only test now is its durability n only time can tell
  2. My rocks can keep inverts like snails, starfish, anemone & shrimps, so I think cupramine dun leech on rocks..Need a lot of wc to remove the copper though.. After extensive wc & testkit tested clear, u can try keeping some inverts n see if they can survive anot..with copper, they will shrink n rip.. With corals & inverts, definately cannot dose cupramine..
  3. Bro, u need copper testkit..different Reefer different tactics of dosing..some go for stronger dosage for shorter period of time..best n safer range is 0.3-0.5..for my 800L, I dose 20ml daily for 3 days (measured 0.3) for 2 weeks, then wc 40-50%..keep for another 2 weeks, then wc 40-50% again..this is the norm unless fish condition worsen then more wc will b the best bet..
  4. Seachem cupramine..my best medication for FOWLR..won't leech to rocks too..
  5. Bro, so how's the bully pt now? Manage to subdue him? Pbt is known to b very aggressive oso..how big is ur pt by the way?
  6. Haha bro okay..I dun really bother about algae grow anot ( dun know how to see oso ), maybe my tangs eat all Ur tank algae free oso mah
  7. Thanks bro..u coach me well..display ur tank here leh..its almost time yea
  8. 5 months passed after reset.. My DT..fish list yet to b completed as u can see its still quite empty My sump tank..aka acclimating & training ground for new fishes.. Thanks for watching..hope to see them grow grow grow.. Cheers & happy reefing..
  9. Imho, all LFS are good n great if they r selling the thing u wanted at ur comfortable price.. AM, AC, madpetz, F&M, DEaquatic & TFC r air con so u shop there won't sweat..haha ah Beng have the most assorted fishes, so do CF, iwarna & LCK201.. I always hop ard this few LFS to find the thing that I want & to spend some time there..happy reefing
  10. Bro, may I ask what's ur tank water highest temp thus far? Thanks
  11. Bro may I ask how long ur FOWLR setup been running?..seem like most FOWLR Nber have chiller n I m puzzle by the water temp (especially during mid year in SG)..so what's ur highest water temp so far? Cheers
  12. Haha bro..that's seaweed tied on something hanging by a fishing line..
  13. Ok bro..by the time ur angels come, u might need to rescape ur right side as gaps & holes too small yea..AT is really a gifted fish in a Reefer tank..hope to see more of ur tank video & pic Cheers & happy reefing
  14. Nice scaping & fishes bro..planning to add corals in near future as I saw all reef safe fishes..haha
  15. Bro, nice to see u come back after Decomm ard a year plus ago..excited to see ur tank & setup yea For video, upload to YouTube..copy the URL link n paste it here..
  16. Didn't see any powder black tang at ah Beng today..saw ard 8 powder blue tang..leopard wrasse I dunnoe but still got a lot of wrasses at the wrasse tank.. At 445pm, left 2 blotchy anthias..very tempted to buy but didn't..a XL orange shoulder tang (min 10"), many clown n assorted tangs, emperor n assorted angels, etc
  17. My gyre XF150 was on a timer set to run at 7am-7pm dated 27 Dec 2014..mode is gyre alternating 70% 100% 5min interval..shall see how long it can last (1year warranty)
  18. Clown tang often seen at Pacific reef ah Beng..but its really luck to get a healthy specimen that will live long..good luck to all
  19. Impressive bro..1" = 2.5cm n is really very very small to now 6" = 15cm in 18 month is a nice size for ur tank..if u have photo or video taken 18 month ago, do share with us..love watching Reefer tank growth accordance to time..salute bro..many many good years of reefing ahead
  20. Bro, open ur YouTube using ur browser..then click on the share icon..press & hold on the URL n select copy URL link..paste on ur post..done..
  21. Bro, sad to see u Decomm ur current tank..all the best in ur fire sales..awaiting to see ur next new level of reefing project soon yea
  22. Bro, via YouTube..u upload into YouTube then copy & paste the link URL..
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