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brent last won the day on June 24 2014

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    Flying and reefing

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  1. Selling my Tunze Osmolator ATO. Includes everything plus an extra metering pump. This was purchased from Iwarna about 2 1/2 years ago with the Reef Depot stickers. Works great. Pick up on Ipoh Lane near Haig Road. Price $135
  2. Decided to split the sale: $40 for the Book of Coral Propagation $30 for the two books on fish health & fish breeding Thanks
  3. I thought that I was done selling off my stuff but then I looked at the book cabinet.... Selling the following three books: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1554076919/ http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Illustrated-Breeders-Marine-Aquarium/dp/1890087718 http://www.amazon.com/Book-Coral-Propagation-Gardening-Aquarists/dp/0980236509/ Self collect at s438641 near Haig Road All in excellent condition. Take all three for $70
  4. This hasn't been collected and so it's available again. One of the LEDs was spoiled and so there are actually a total of 23 LEDs. Here is the distribution: 13 CREE Royal Blue 5W 7 CREE Cool White 10W 2 Violet 3W 1 CREE Blue 3W All lights are from RapidLED. My original plan was to have 13 (or 14) Royal Blues on the Meanwell Eln-60-48p, the 7 Cool White 10W on the Eln-60-27d, and the 2 violets & 1 blue on the Lpc-35-700 for the moonlights. This should give you a total of 144W, which is quite good coverage. These are mounted using thermal pads so that they can be easily removed without harming the LEDs. The soldering iron is a Japanese Goot KX-60R.
  5. I've decided to sell it in the States after I go back. Mods please close
  6. I've decided to sell it in the States after I go back. Mods please close
  7. Everything sold except the Apex, which I'll post separately. Mods pls close
  8. More info on the fans: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999602 These are the best. Also great for DIY sump coolers and cabinet fans. Fans alone are worth $60
  9. Selling a bundle of DIY LED Stuff: Meanwell LED Power Supplies: ELN-60-48D Dimmable Power Supply (never used) http://www.rapidled.com/mean-well-eln-60-48d-dimmable-driver/ LPC-35-700 Non-Dimmable Power Supply http://www.rapidled.com/mean-well-lpc-35-700-constant-current-driver/ DIY UV Violet Project: 20W UV Violet LED Power Supply for LED Arctic CPU heatsink for cooling Ultra Low Sound Fans: Vantec Stealth Fans: 3 x 60mm, 2 x 80mm Solder Wiring Take All for $60 (The 2 power supplies alone are worth more than this) Self collect on Ipoh Lane near Haig Road (s438641)
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