the salinity is 1.023
yup i cant say that the sand is very clean i rinse it until i see almost clear water... so its possible its the sand that cause it... and i mix the salt mix in my main tank about 3/4 full, putting a pump inside to help stir and dissolve the salt for 3 days so that the water will not overflow into my sump and mix the rest of the water in a few pails for 3 days which is to be added in after i placed my live rock and sand in..and i slowly scoop and pour the water in using a small pail into my main tank and let it overflow into my sump and on the return pump to let it have circulation. the water is still quite clear in the afternoon not so cloudy until i throw in a whole piece of market prawn into the tank on sunday night and monday morning the water is already very cloudy .. and there is abit of weird smell as well ...