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Everything posted by tamama

  1. The coral colours are there, but just that the polyps are brown and fat. I used MH 250W BLV (5hrs) + 4 tubes of ATI blue plus (8hrs) on a 2ft cube..
  2. I observed that a number of my SPS are having quite big and fat polyps extension, but they are brown. Is it caused by high NO3 or PO4?
  3. I was the natural predator I guess. I took the rock out and dip it.
  4. Usually at night they will come out to eat sth or the sps, I caught them or crushed them on the rock. Gotta be quick. So far I don't see any more. I think I caught about 10+ of them when I started this hobby.
  5. I tried the DIY fish trap, but the fish is not buying it... eventually I have to pump all the water out from the tank to catch them. Anyone has any effective and less troublesome way of trapping a fish out of the tank? Thank you!
  6. Ok. 5 people has PMed me. I will give the priority on FCFS basis. Thanks.
  7. Hi I bought a 3 feet LED strip online with a ballast. It is a very nice moon light, but It is a bit too long for my 2ft and decided to give it away. Also, the rubber may melt if you attach it to the MH reflector. Other than that, it makes the tank look very nice. If you are keen, please PM me. =)
  8. I did go to Madpetz and got some advice from Ken. I see how it goes. =) Thanks for all the help.
  9. I thought excessive nutrient will brown out the corals?
  10. I also got some coral from bro cedric. The corals will take some time to get use to the lighting intensity and cycle I think.
  11. I used to use LED, but afterward changed to use MH +T5. Colour and growth can seen much better.
  12. I think it may not be due to the addictive, because before I even dosed them, the SPS colour already not intense. I dosed idione bcos of burnt tips and strontium for fatter polyps. Maybe I will increase a bit of feeding and see how it goes. Yes!!! I have no issue with green, red, pink, purple. I just can't get it blue and yellow. When the blue sps was bought and just introduced into the water, I already saw that it is not so blue. It is a bit brownish blue. For the yellow, it will turn to greenish yellow, and more towards greenish.
  13. Yes, I am running 4x24W DE lighting at the sides. All ATI blue plus and 1x250W MH light 14k BLV bulb. Lighting wise is similar. T5 on for 8 hours, MH 5 hours inbetween. I do dose TLF strontium, idione with a dosing pump with half of the instructed amount. Sometimes a few drops of potassium. However, I do have a over size skimmer. I am feeding the coral with oyster eggs once or twice a week. Is there a way for me to measure optimal nutrient level? Thanks to all. =)
  14. I bought some SPS from someone and the coral looks much deeper in colour in the tank. After I introduce the SPS into my tank, the colour seems to lighten. The blue is not that intensed blue any more and same for other colours. I am wondering if there is something wrong with my light or water parameters. Nitrate/Nitrite: close to 0. PO4: Not tested but I am running rowaphos and a refugium with cheato. Little green algae observed in the tank. Using TLF A+B: CA: 380 KH: 9.3 H2Ocean salt: 1.023 I do dose the TLS sea element sometimes. May I know if I raise the KH to 12, and CA to be about 400+, the colour will be intensified?
  15. They usually come from the live rocks. When I started my tank some time back, I always catch some hairy crabs at night. They only come out at night. Very frustration sometimes I even took out the rocks for dipping. Acro crab very easy to recognise as it is a bit orange colour. Hairy crab is brown colour with a bit of short hair. Urs looks like a hairy crab to me.
  16. I further googled a bit. It seems that peppermint shrimp would eat them effectively. Should I introduce the shrimps for the sake of nice looking glass or leave the feather duster for the good water?
  17. I googled about it. It is the feather duster. img: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/8/inverts_album/Pileolariawide.jpg/image_preview'>http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/8/inverts_album/Pileolariawide.jpg/image_preview More details can be found here. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/8/inverts After reading it, I am still thinking if I can remove it as it may look a bit weird to me.
  18. It seems that my tank is infested with a lot of tiny little white dots on the glass and the live rocks, my sump even has it. when I look closer, it is actually like a snail shell. It is about 2mm in diameter. May I know what it is and how to get rid of it? Thanks.
  19. Hi, I am willing to trade off my LED light below. It is used for 3 months, bought from aquarium artist. I am looking for a few flags of SPS. Feel free to PM me to offer. Thank you. You may refer to the link here from manufacturer for more details. http://www.eshinesystems.com/aqua/aqua-master-aquarium-light.html
  20. Eshine LED light system http://www.eshinesystems.com/aqua/aqua-master-aquarium-light.html Bought in Aug. Selling for $380. 1 year warranty. ATI Tubes (2ft) Actinic (1 new and 1 a few weeks old): $20 / $15 Purplse plus (a few weeks old): $15 Blue special (new): $20 Interested please pm for viewing. Location: Serangoon.
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