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Everything posted by piero

  1. Collection is at blk 417 Hougang ave 8. So far the timing is saturday after 8pm and sunday morning. Sunday afternoon pls arrange timing with me. Thanks.
  2. Pic 1 2 clams for $50 (1 Maxima, 1 corcea) Reserved by Cham Pic 2 Zoos various colour from $10 - $15. Size range from palm sized to large. Total 6 rocks @ $60 (2 are US zoos from GO, rest forgot liao) Star Polyps lookalike 3 frags available --> 2 small (2 ~3cm) @ $5 ea & 1 big (8~10cm) @ $10 Reserved by Tagie Tag Lobo --> Large red (5 inch across) @$30 Reserved by Lengendz1987 & Orange Lobo (3~4inch) @$20 Pic 3 Purple Gonio @ $15 (with me for 2 years already) Reserved by Janazr Blue Mushroom (at least 5 heads) @ $10 Plate --> Orange @ $15 Reserved by Yong Shun & Bluish $10 Christmas Worm Rock @ $15 Reserved by Cham Blasto (Lumo green center) @ $15 Reserved by Yong Shun Pic 4 Greenish brain coral @ $20 Torch Coral @ $12 Moon Coral with lumo mouth @ $15 Pic 5 Acan @ $30 More moon Corals ($10 for small, $15 for large) Not shown in pic 1 green bubble coral @ $20 1 green monti (5~6cm) @ $15 1 orange monti (8~10cm) @ $10 Various mushrooms
  3. Hope to clear fast so have cut prices very low. Thanks for the support.
  4. Pic 1 2 clams for $50 (1 Maxima, 1 corcea) Reserved by Cham Pic 2 Zoos various colour from $10 - $15. Size range from palm sized to large Star Polyps lookalike 3 frags available --> 2 small (2 ~3cm) @ $5 ea & 1 big (8~10cm) @ $10 Lobo --> Large red (5 inch across) @$30 & Orange Lobo (3~4inch) @$20 Pic 3 Purple Gonio @ $15 (with me for 2 years already) Blue Mushroom (at least 5 heads) @ $10 Plate --> Orange @ $15 Reserved by Yong Shun & Bluish $10 Christmas Worm Rock @ $15 Reserved by Cham Blasto (Lumo green center) @ $15 Reserved by Yong Shun Pic 4 Greenish brain coral @ $20 Torch Coral @ $12 Moon Coral with lumo mouth @ $15 Pic 5 Acan @ $30 More moon Corals ($10 for small, $15 for large) Not shown in pic 1 green bubble coral @ $20 1 green monti (5~6cm) @ $15 1 orange monti (8~10cm) @ $10 Various mushrooms
  5. Selling off all my corals to go FOWLR due to work & study commitments Prices and pics as below. Interested can sms me at 97332625. Collection on saturday night or sunday morning at Hougang. Weekdays to be arranged. Happy to sell off whole batch to a single buyer @ $250. Thanks for reading. Pic 1 2 clams for $50 (1 Maxima, 1 corcea) Pic 2 Zoos various colour from $10 - $15. Size range from palm sized to large Star Polyps lookalike 3 frags available --> 2 small (2 ~3cm) @ $5 ea & 1 big (8~10cm) @ $10 Lobo --> Large red (5 inch across) @$30 & Orange Lobo (3~4inch) @$20 Pic 3 Purple Gonio @ $15 (with me for 2 years already) Blue Mushroom (at least 5 heads) @ $10 Plate --> Orange @ $15 & Bluish $10 Christmas Worm Rock @ $15 Blasto (Lumo green center) @ $15 Pic 4 Greenish brain coral @ $20 Torch Coral @ $12 Moon Coral with lumo mouth @ $15 Pic 5 Acan @ $30 More moon Corals ($10 for small, $15 for large) Not shown in pic 1 green bubble coral @ $20 1 green monti (5~6cm) @ $15 1 orange monti (8~10cm) @ $10 Various mushrooms
  6. Feed live ones. Get them to come out to feed. Then feed frozen BS (mixed with garlic) with live brine shrimp and slowly change it to 100% frozen BS with garlic and then with some dry food with BS.... The process will take quite a while. As long as you are patient and the source of the anthias is good, shd be able to keep most of them alive.
  7. U got to start them feeding by having lots of brine shrimp in your tank. Preferrably with some garlic added to improve their immune system. As U have said, once they start feeding, they wun stop.
  8. Salinity does have an effect on yr MG levels and are not as easily boosted like ALK and CA. Try raising salinity to 1.025, it will increase MG levels greatly. Trying to pump MG up using additives can be super costly.
  9. Bro... The Yellow wrasse needs sand or not? I used to have a green wrasse. After I took out my sand, green wrasse never survive in my tank anymore.
  10. Hi Bro. Finally got back to Singapore. Had massive die off in my tank and did a rescape. Cant seem to get the pair trapped. If I ever get them trapped will contact you to check if you are still interested.
  11. Can.... If I can borrow my dad's car... U wanted to sell yr barletts a while ago right? If thinking of letting go, do let me know k. i will go down to collect.
  12. Anyone thinking of selling their Barlett Anthias please contact me. Thanks.
  13. Hi Bro. Thanks for your sohal. Super nice and healthy and eating very well. Can I ask if you practise quarantine and get them feeding before you release to the big tank? Cos I notice a 2ft tank by the side of your main tank. Want to learn some pointers on keeping fish cos most of my time spent on SPS, hardly dabble with fish but that could change as I travel more often.
  14. Hi Bro... For the wavebox not say 100% then it shows the best wave movement. Think need to slow tune down to get the correct wavelength that will provide the best waveforms. Can PM me where you got your tank from and the cost? Thanks thanks.
  15. Have a pair of true perc clowns. They breed every 2 weeks or so. May want to come have a look when they are with their eggs. The recent batch just hatched and the fries are clinging onto the rock. Not sure if they are still going to be around for viewing. If interested, can always arrange for viewing when the eggs are first hatched.
  16. Frag going at $5 for a piece of at least 5cm in length. Amendment to the above....
  17. Looks like star polyps but dunno actual name. Cost more actually. When its closed, its leathery. Frag going at $5 for a piece of at least %cm in length. Each additional cm at $1. Just let me know the size you need. Collection at Hougang MRT or Tanjong Pagar MRT. Interested pls PM me. Thanks for reading.
  18. Reserved. Will contact next in-line if not sold by tml. Thanks for the interest.
  19. Hi, selling one set of the above. Been in use for more than 1 year but still in good condition. Original price = $400++. Selling at $250. Interested pls PM me. Collection at Hougang or tanjong Pagar during office hours. Other collection points to be arranged. Thanks. Specs of wavemaker as below: For aquariums from 200 to 2,000 l Flow rate: 2,500 to 12,000l/h Pump wattage: 36W Voltage / Frequency: 230V/50Hz Cable length: 5m Dimensions: ?8 x 118mm Outlet: ?0/47mm
  20. Alright... Seems like I know this guy too. Came to my house to get my coral frags. Say no $$ so only took $2 from him cos a couple of dollars wun make much of a diff to me. Think this is a very bad experience for you. I would screw him if I am U. Burnt cover? That is outrageous.
  21. Wah... U guys are good... Try to save some $$ lah... Think yr parents also worried abt their work now even if they never tell U. The mood in the market is bad...
  22. Actually east or west sun no diff right? The job of the chiller is to mantain the water temp at the preset value. 27 and 28 does make some diff... when temp differential between atmopshere and tank Vs the rate at which the chiller needs to work is not linear. The greater the difference between tank and atmospheric temp, the harder your chiller has to work.
  23. Actually chiller no need to on at this stage unless its super hot. Can set at 28 or even 29C for the bacteria to multiply. Once parameters are stable, then take 1 week or 2 to lower the temp. What I did was 29 then 28.5 over 3 days then 28 over another 3 days. Currently keeping my mixed tank (SPS/LPS) of 2 years at 28C. Not going for 27C to cut electricity bill... Very siong sia...
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