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Everything posted by james72

  1. Do you feed the rics? What kind of flow?
  2. Interested in serpent star. Can reserve? James 91822409
  3. I think that's the challenge and attractive part of SPS.
  4. Oh, new batch of clams......nice!
  5. Any fishes? If have fishes, crumpled it before feed, some will get to the sps.
  6. When it turn snow white....without the 7 polyps.
  7. Ya lor very nice and its ultra small.
  8. Mike, polyps yellow or green? Body is what colour?
  9. Will Superman meh? My tank no cover plus only 1.5" water surface, never seen it jump before. Very relax fish always hunting around for pest.
  10. Reducing my bioload, have a fat flame angel for sale at $40. Fat, healthy and feed on anything from pellets, flakes, mysis, brine shrimps. Interested please contact James @ 91822409 to arrange for collection at kovan. Priority given to reefers who can collect the soonest. Below are a pic of my flame angel.
  11. Man! That's sps tank worst nightmare.....sorry to hear that.
  12. Sorry for your losses. Don't know if I am right to say this, I feel its almost unavoidable to have some sps losses if tank is less than a year old despite we tried to give our best maintenance and give it the best equipment. Parameters may lock in good but somehow the tank still lack of something that matured tank have. I had my fair share of sps losses, almost give up on sps.
  13. A few reefers have enquire about the size of my mystery wrasse. It is about 2 inches long. Here is a pic of the actual thing.
  14. Reducing my bioload, have a Carribean mystery wrasse for sale at $110. Fat, healthy and feed on anything from pellets, flakes, mysis, brine shrimps. Interested please contact James @ 91822409 to arrange for collection at kovan. Priority given to reefers who can collect today or tomorrow. Below are a pic on the net of how a mystery wrasse look like, actual fish is as healthy as pic. James
  15. As per topic, where can i buy live Amphipods & Copepods? Want to build up my detritus eaters.
  16. Read it somewhere before, but thanks for the refresher
  17. Beautiful Natural scape and great photography skills.
  18. Big polyps blasto about $160
  19. I think if the fishes keep going to the surface, you might not have enough oxygen in your tank. Try supplement with a small air pump.
  20. Nice diy work on the led lightings. How far away from the water surface?
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