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Everything posted by james72

  1. Sold. Please close thread Cheers, James
  2. Ok thanks! I contact you either Friday evening or Saturday Cheers, James
  3. Where to trade? I will bring something to trade for 3 stalks Cheers, James
  4. Chalice keep at low light area Cheers, James
  5. Arctica chillers - service by Laixing and boys every 6 months. Cheers, James
  6. 2 bottles of coke? Hee! Cheers, James
  7. Most of us dont have a par meter to measure. But we do alot of read up on the corals or fishes we going to get before we go out there to buy them. With the right info, we know where to position our corals. Then next is through close observations. If the coral is not opening well within 1-2 days, you better start shifting it to another location or check your water parameters. I have personally recovered a few bleached lps, mostly its due to too strong lights. Keeping them undershade or lower lighting zone with good water parameters will get it colour up in 6 months time. Dont expect a miracle cure. Many a times I see impatience newbies started blasting lights or dosing chemicals they do not measure to try achieve the colours they desire. Time and diligence water change is the best medicine for this hobby. If you dont have it, whatever you try will deem to fail. Disclaimer: Above statement refers to newbies and not season reefers who know what they are doing to speed up the process with tight counter measures. Cheers, James http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/105744-the-journey-to-the-valley-of-the-reef-by-james/'>
  8. Starting this thread for sharing of information from your personal bad experiences and how it kill your live stocks. I will kick start one, hope more reefers can share.... 1) Do not underestimate the strength(par) of your led light set, do not place led light set too low as it can burn your corals. Place high for spread and always go slow with the percentage. Cheers, James
  9. Your leds may be too low and too strong for your corals. Btw, my tank is 2 years old and I don't even have confidence to put in a Mandarin. Cheers, James
  10. Good spot for your sps Cheers, James
  11. Start the ball rolling - $5 Cheers, James http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/105744-the-journey-to-the-valley-of-the-reef-by-james/'>
  12. Can try this sand shifter goby from ah beng, cheap n good. Cheers, James
  13. Nice "MBS" scape ! Top deck will be perfect for high light sps colonies.
  14. Bigger volume has more tolerance for mistakes, stability of parameters much better. Cheers, James
  15. Well done ! Can see the hammer and touch are opening well. Cheers, James
  16. Where you send for compressor gas top up? Cheers, James
  17. My sps also @ 7dkh still ok, once I push it down to 6.4dkh for more than a week, stn at base occurred. Cheers, James
  18. Upz for a reliable titanium chiller with after sales support. Cheers, James
  19. It is a known fact carbon clears up the water through absorption. Cheers, James
  20. Beautiful tank, maybe can add more light coloured sps colonies to contrast the dark background Cheers, James
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