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  1. What are your plans for the picassos?
  2. Big fish in small pond.. but the tang looks happy in there!
  3. 100ppm to 0?ppm nitrate is really something!
  4. Hello, welcome to the forum. you can consider mhx leds. there is a thread about them in aquatic quotient. just search for mhx led.
  5. Very impressive, can't wait for it to be completed.
  6. There are probably some rough burrs along the side of the acrylic. Please don't hammer the acrylic - once it cracks you need a new one. You can take 1200 and 2000 grain sandpaper and polish the sides until they slide effortlessly into the chassis.
  7. Looks like the hose is not fully inserted over the barb. Should be inserted all the way. The cable tie should be directly over a depression for maximum grip.
  8. Sorry to hear about the clownfish. No other fishes jumped?
  9. It is basically ferric oxide, which may help to reduce ammonium production and indirectly reduce no3, but it is doubtful whether it actually lowers no3 significantly. See e.g. http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/ses/2007%20projects/carpenter.pdf One way it may help no3 is through its many anaerobic surfaces for denitrification, but we probably need a large volume of these and a really slow flow rate.
  10. If you really need high security you can consider using titanium hose clamps. The plastic clamps in my experience may not grip that well, but since your pump is internal, they may suffice.
  11. There is no mention of the ingredients used. Even the MSDS sheet does not say anything. This is probably just some nitrifying culture which you probably already have in your sandbed. Is there a cleaning crew for your sandbed?
  12. Got the following for sale: 5L CO2 cylinder (height approx 57cm) $100 7L CO2 cylinder (height approx 70cm) $120 Dennerle profi 2000 with JBL (not JBJ) solenoid $250 Bought early this year. JBL solenoid is the Proflora 2.5W series. Cool running. See details at http://www.jbl.de/uk/aqua/uk_63411aq.html. Still have box for Profi 2000 and unfilled warranty card. The Profi 2000 comes with its needle valve but I have attached a more accurate one. Will include the original needle valve in the package. Take all at one shot and i'll throw in CO2 proof tubing (around a meter or so) and a bubble counter FOC. Self collect at Jurong West St 64 (near Boon Lay MRT). PM me if interested. I will not be checking this thread. Thanks.
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