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Eric Ng

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Everything posted by Eric Ng

  1. woah! have you tried? why do u wanna soak your leg?
  2. ya sometimes those hairy crabs will eat up acro crabs and live in the acro. i ususally take the entire acro out and use toothpick to flick them out HAHA
  3. woah at the amount of clams! very nice tank!
  4. any pictures? im already excited by seeing your detailing of every part of setting up!
  5. or release new fishes at midnight when lights all off. tht trick usually works for me. but its not a foolproof plan ya? it reduces initial aggression and ensures the new lfs stabilises in the tank first, gives it a higher chance of surviviing
  6. can try aquamarin they have cleaner shrimps and juv sailfin and yellow and naso tang recentl;y
  7. nice clams and tanks! anw is tht bariene surgeonfish i've seen in the past few pictureS?
  8. yup i second that. and sometimes, luck very impt also! #just saying
  9. AM: copperband butterfly, coral beauty, juv emperor, big clown tang, naso tang, blue lip angel and other common philipines shipment
  10. oh and fish channel still has a few cute kole yellow eye tang and 1 mystery wrasse, scribble and blue line angels all pretty well conditioned! boss is super friendly too!
  11. AM still has yellow tangs, 1 potteri & 1 lemonpeel and alot of pink crabs
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